
"3:33" what does this mean, if anything at all?

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since 2004, for some odd reason I wake up at 3:33 am. not every morning mind you but this did start once my family and I moved into a new home which was across the street from a cemetery. Now come to think of it, during this period I became withdrawn and depresssed. we moved out about year later because my wife and I seperated because we were not getting along. I still wake up in the middle of the night for some reason and when I do my alarm clock reads 3:33 am. life hasn't been the same since this started, for some reason I am having trouble finding, and keeping employment. There are other horrible things that have been happening and continue to happen in my life and I hope this all doesn't coincide with 3:33?




  1. Possibly because 333 is 1/2 of the antichrist 666.  But, an even bigger possiblity is that you just wake up at a certain time.  I usually do that, but usually need to go to bathroom or my subconscious wants me to check the clock.  I might think it was odd if 333, but my time is a very unimaginative 540 am.  So, just go back to sleep and forget it.  That is what I do after I trot to the BR.

  2. It's hard to tell if you're telling the truth..or if you're a skeptic playing games with us. So ..just in case..I'm not falling for it. If you really are sincere...then enough people gave answers on here . Maybe you found the answer through them. I can tell you though that I know that this happens to people. But of course it's not the same number.

  3. I don't mean to scare you, but I have read that this is a demonic sign. 3:00 in the afternoon is when Jesus died on the cross and 3:00 am is supposed to be the devil's hour - the hour demons mock when Jesus died on the cross.

    Get your house blessed, go to church more, contact a priest. Also, you mentioned you are depressed. Maybe you are simply depressed and need some anti-depressants. It could all be a coincidence and you could be simply suffering from depression. Depression can ruin our lives in many ways. It effects how we think and our relationships. Maybe this is why you had relationship problems. Also, if you are depressed, it could be why you lost your job. Maybe the depression effected your performance.  Also, a sign of depression is waking up early or not sleeping well, insomnia, or sleeping too much. There may be a medical reason for your problems like a low thyroid. Get a physical check up, then if all is well, it may simply be depression. Get treatment if it is or try 5-HTP supplements or ST. John's Wort. If things are still happening, well, if you believe in the supernatural, contact a priest or psychic or something. Good luck and I hope things get better for you!

  4. ya got me on that one. Did a close person like grandmother or someone pass away at that time that u loved? Spirts do visit in ur sleep..could be waking u up.

  5. Rather than trying to find a rational reason for this 3:33 phenomena perhaps you should try to approach it from a paranormal standpoint. Set up a tape recorder when you are not at home to try and pick up anything within the white noise. Perhaps even a video camera. Chances are that if 3:33 is a paranormal occurance, you will pick up something. More times than not, if you have a haunting, especially one that effects many aspects of your life, the "spirit" is trying to tell you something. All you need to do is listen. One thing you can do to help protect yourself, set small mirrors in all of your windows, and get a sprig of sage and dust your door ways to prevent negative energies.

  6. It's OK nothing happened to you, Because you think about it very unconsciously you've irritated your biological time/clock. I recommend you go and do a strong exercises during the day and do not go to bed until you be tired. and think about 8:00 am(For example)


    hope it helps, even just a little bit

    and, i think you should see a priest.

  8. I think I've seen this movie before. It wasn't very good, and the moral had something to do with finding Jesus. I recommend Netflix.

  9. im not sure because almost every night i wake up and when i look at the clock it says 11:11....its kinda weird...maybe its just a coincidence???????

  10. it's different for everyone... does this time have  a special meaning for you? my mom used to look at the clock at 10:22. that's her b-day. (october 22)  it's probably just a coincidence though so i wouldn't think too much about it.

  11. I think you are telling yourself bad things are going to happen, so it's hard for you to imagine anything else.  But if you're getting bad vibes, leave.  Animals have that sense, you know

  12. look into angelic numbers.

    11:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc.

    I encounter 3:33 and 11:11 so I went searching too.

  13. Hasn't anyone here read the Book of Revelation at the end of the Bible? 333 is the number for GOD. 33 is the age Jesus died. It's a positive number. It's a number related to hope and good defeating evil.

  14. THIS IS THE STRANGEST THING.  Seriously, I'm 49 years (young LOL) but I've had the 333 thing going on for probably 25 years or so.  I'm NOT KIDDING.  When I would be at work and look at the clock it would be 3:33 and when I wake in the middle of the night it would be 3:33....I've had the SAME THING HAPPEN FOR MANY MANY MANY YEARS AND I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!!!!  BUT, we moved to Virginia for about 18 months and I NEVER play  "Play 3" in lotto and I did once and picked 333 and won about $300 -- how strange -- there MUST be something to it.  I am NOT KIDDING AT whole family knows I've had a 333 issue for YEARS.  omg.....

  15. I just googled and and found one possibility. Proverbs 3:33.

    The curse of the LORD is on the house of the wicked, But He blesses the dwelling of the righteous.

    You need to see a minister or a priest. Someone who understands deliverance.

    He might be trying to warn you about your wicked ways. Seek salvation. I wouldn't have made this connection because there are alot of 3:33 verses in the bible, but not many googled up on the first fifteen pages of search results, and some kind of curse or evil is affecting you.

    It seems to fit.

    But look at it this way, your being contacted like Ebeneezer Scrooge for your own good. Somebody up there loves you. Your misfortunes are meant to confirm the ill boding warning.

    PS I found something else, you can contact the author she may have heartening news. She has good experiences with 3:33 am.

  16. U R the AntiChrist(666).  Right now you need to seek ur real identity and fulfill you destiny to mankind.  Dont ask me how.Once u successfully find ur real self u will then start waking up at 6:66 again late for work as usual.

  17. This is confirmation bias.  You have assigned special meaning to 3:33, so now every time you see that time on a digital clock it takes on special meaning.  It's possible you see 3:33 no more often than any other time on a digital clock but you have not assigned special meaning to those other times so you don't take notice.

    It appears you've given this digital clock readout some very magical powers--it's caused a separation, depression other "horrible things".  I am truly sorry to hear bad things are happening to you, but it times of difficulty it's important you remain grounded in reality.  So please disregard any impulse to blame your misfortune on the readout of a digital clock.

    I certainly hope you aren't taking to heart all of the magical thinking going on here (demonic hour, half of 666, angel numbers, sacred geometry, etc.)  Certain people sure look at the world differently don't they?  I can't help but think since they can't all be right and the evidence is the same for all theories (that is, none) that either just one of them is right or none of them is right.

  18. 3:33 is the witching hour.

    but I don't really believe in that stuff, it's all superstition...

  19. Try a sleeping pill It may clear your mind You might talk to someone close:a clergy member, family friend, etc...

  20. Yup, it's an angel number. I get this a lot too, also 222 and 11:11, and 4:44. 3:33 means the Ascended Masters are with you. An exact quote:

    "The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda."

    that you're losing employment and horrible things are happening.... they could be trying to steer you in a different direction but you're not noticing/seeing it, so they're getting more forceful to try and get your attention. Pay attention to the small things that happen by coincidence around you. Synchronicity they call it.

  21. I moved into a home in Thornton Colorado back in 1999. For two years every night, I woke up at or right around 3a.m. This had never happened before anywhere else. If I went somewhere, I would sleep the entire night. And when I moved two years later, it stopped. The house had a lot of activity happening in it. I got to hate 3a.m. very quickly and to this day, I dont like it.

  22. It's probably the time the aliens drop you off after taking you into their ship to run all sorts of examinations on you.

  23. get prayer. i remember that the Grimaldis of Monaco were supposed to have a curse, in that no spouse of one ever lived. Princess Grace died and one or two of Princess Carlines husbands died. I hope they got prayer. Poor Grace i think she had suffered enuff!



  25. 333 is half of 666    you may be the antichrist

  26. easy-- you're the spawn of satan.

    now that should be a fun family picnic!

  27. well im a real 333 person, but there are to many debunkers here that will tell you its just confirmation bias nothing more, and you seem to notice more triple numbers, i dont even like answering here anymore, cause of rude people but somehow got a glimpse of your question...i did find an answer to when i started seeing 333, and it spun me out, its more to do with angelic messages, its something they want you to notice...sorry but im not going to go into it.....cause of other rude people here.....

  28. In the movie just guessing Emily rose? not sure it was one of those exorcists movies someone kept waking up at some time early in the morning everyday to find to find them self hearing things, maybe its just ghosts or something i wouldn't think anything of it and just try to live life good hope you do good at work.


    sacred geometry is what methinks could be the answer here. this text is very informative about some things there are in historic geneology that deal with numbers and that is one of the numbers. this number is divisible only by a number within itself. prime to itself and 1, 0. when multiplied the result will invariably be a # that when the digits are added together will be divisible by 3 or a variant thereof.

  30. Ask nieghbors and other townies about the people who lived in the house before you. Since you asked this in the paranormal cartigory I bet were both think ghosts/hauntings, yes? Maybe it is haunted. Consider moving is it's driving you nuts?

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