
"50 up, 14 count on 1?"

by Guest64743  |  earlier

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in the huddle what does the quarterback mean when he says:

"50 up, 14, count on 1" and then he says a new play, but the only thing that changes is the 14, and it goes to a 19.

I'm a right tackle, and its my first year, so i have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Can someone explain the 14, and the 50, the "up" and count on 1 to me?




  1. 50 probably refers to the pass package you are running. It would include protection and base route. the number probably refers to specific routes from the "50" package. Count 1 tells the center which "hut" to snap the ball on.

    Every offense uses different words to do the same things. It is like learning a foreign language. Ask your line coach for a play book or explanation. If you are afraid of him ask an older player.

  2. 50 up is the name of the play, the 14 is the route type for the WR's, which can change to a 19.  The 1 count, of course is the Hut hut hut hike, changing to Hut hike lol

  3. 50 is most likely the pass block protection.  I'm guessing its a pass block to the left because odd numbers tend to equal "to the left"

    up 14 probably refers to the X,Y, & Z receivers, with the x running the "up" route, the y running a "1" route, and the z running a "4" route.  I'm guessing an up would just be your typically fade route, a "1" route is usually a shallow out in most passing trees.  A "4" route could be a slant, out, or hitch.  "4" routes tend to vary between playbooks.  The 19 part is probably and audible for the receivers.  And again, the count on 1 means that whatever cadence your team uses, the QB is going to hike it on one.  

    You need to go talk to your coaches if you really don't understand the play calls.  You can't be timid otherwise you will never learn the plays, and end up embarrassing yourself.

  4. Teams have different cadence calls so I really can't help you too much on that.

    Our calls our things like Red 54, Blue 9

    The color would mean what snap count is, and the number is usually the side the ball is going too.

    Ask your team or coaches if you don't totally understand.

  5. It means that he changed his 14 year old girlfriend for one that is 19 the rest is just some alien language to confuse you so the coach will yell at you for s******g up

  6. LOL, uhhh I will try but considering I don't go to your school play football there or have any idea what your playbook looks like it will probably be futile @ best. 50 possibly a trap in the wing T, "up" maybe a fly route or a motion call possibly a formation as well. "14" 1Back through the 4 hole or again maybe a route on your teams passing tree same as "19". and "on 1" mereley means the count is on 1 I am sure of this.

    Have you opened your playbook? do you have one? If not maybe you should talk to your head coach or OC about it.  

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