
"A" and "B" days in high school next year!! HELP!!

by Guest64065  |  earlier

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I'm going to be a sophmore in High School next year. All the freshman went to a different school so now I'm finally in the big high school this year. The only thing is they have a totally different schedule there. Instead of 7 classes every day it's block scheduling called "A" "B" days. On "A" day you go to half of your classes and each class is like an hour and half long. Then the following day is "B" day and you go to your other half of classes. I don't know if I should use two back packs one for "A" day and one for "B" day? Or should I just use one back pack for both days? Also any tips or tricks would help! Thanks




  1. ok i am sophmore in high school and my school is like that.

    NOOO use one backpack.

    just have your stuff that you have to take to class everyday that doesnt need to go home in your locker...

    homework for a days can go back in you locker when you are done and just take it too class when you need it..

    its not that difficult dont stress out you will get use to it

  2. well at my school last year the way we did block scheduling was to have 1, 3, 5, & 7 on A days and had 2, 4, 6, 8 and B days. i used one backpack and just went to my locker periodically and it went fine. hope this helps!  

  3. You'll have to try both ways and see what happens. I had A and B days in middle school and high school, and my sister has A and B days. Neither of used different book bags, but one thing you might find useful is putting a schedule up on your door so you can know what day it is.  

  4. You could use 2 backpacksto avoid switching everything out everyday.but, i just used one, plus, we didn't have lockers nor did i have more than 3 books at a time although, i got lucky with that.

    but, it's your preference. i hated that type of schedule, our school called them Odd and Even days.

  5. it's called a block schedule, i have it at my school. It's really easy and helps you manage you homework and stuff. We also are starting with that kind of thing (having one class twice) we have it like this

    1-3-5-1 then 2-4-6-2 and 1-3-5-3 etc. It doesn't really matter if you use two backpacks, I used one but my friend switched off with a tote bag and a backpack. It may seem confusing but it will get easier! hope you like your new school

  6. Im going to be a sophmore too. My high school only has 500 kids though so I guess its less stressful. The other high school in my district did that a few years ago and it failed haha. But if I were you, I would. That sounds like a good idea with two book bags. Just keep organized. Good luck!  

  7. you should get five backpacks.  one for each school day, monday, tuesday, etc., through friday!

    color code them by alphabet, so Monday gets Maroon, Tuesday gets Teal, Wednesday get a White backpack, get it?

    this way you'll never forget what day it is, or the alphabet, and you'll always be prepared for school!

  8. u should definitely use two back packs to be more organized. as for the tips u don't really need them, u get used to the schedule really soon.

  9. one back pack. most people at my school don't carry around 2 back packs or one period they just use their locker. don't carry to it will get cenfussign and you might forget things. besides you look a little werid carring two backpacks home for the weekend if you have homework in an A and B class.

  10. i had A and B days in middle school. and when i was in 6th and 7th we didnt have lockers either. but i went to a new school in 8th. but its was similar to ur high school way.

    Use 1 booksack cause u might leave a book u have both days if u have 2 booksack. have 3 different binders. 1 for A day and 1 for B day and 1 for the 2 classes you have each day.

    At home make sure you know what day it is, A day and B day r good cause u have extra day in to do HW but r worse when u have classes for 90 minutes.

    Also if u tell ur teacher "i forogt it was B day" or something it wont work they will think its an excuse.

    Its not that confusing, you will get use to it but i never heard of a high school to do that.

    Also i'm a somphore too but my high school has 7 classes. 50 minutes each =)

  11. dont use two might "forget" your gun in one of them and "accidently" take it to school with you  

  12. just use on back pack we had to do the same thing in 8th grade except it was called blue and gold days and it only effected our elective courses like p.e etc... now i am in high school we dont do that anymore

  13. I use the same backpack both days i just switch out the binders and stuff

  14. Folders! Or you can get those notebooks with sections of paper in between them. Thats perfect. Its a five-star brand, or you can a trapper, if you dont know what that is then go to!!! Good luck!(:

  15. u only need one just put ur books in the locker when u are not going to that class

  16. I had similar scheduling last year (my first time with the block scheduling).

    I would not worry about the two different backpacks, just as long as you know what your classes are for each day. One good thing about the block schueduling though is that there is no homework that can be due the next day! (which I loved)

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