
"AMERO" The New Norh American Currency--Think we will have it by 2009?

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  1. I pray to God not! Look at the Hunter Goddess Dianna on the coin! See the arrow this is her trademark! The goddess of the moon and her brother is Apollo the sun god. We are to tear down the high places and icons of other gods as a Christian nation not celebrate them!!PS I see some of you think this AMERO is phony---rest assured it's not, that's how these things sneak in under your nose! Check out the Tech. Univercity in Arizona it has been working toward this same end for the USA for the last several years.

  2. A very bad sign of things to come.

  3. with the secrecy and sneakiness of the Bush administration it is more than even chance we shall

  4. Just a quick note/question.  If this is to be a common currency for Canada, Mexico, and the USA, why is it being called "Amero"?  Ero to me indicates recognition by European countries.

    Now, I don't really think that a union of these three countries is viable, but a common currency is a good idea.  Having lived in the Northeastern US, I always thought it was aggravating to get a Canadian coin in my change.

    And having lived in Europe for several years now, I find it convenient to only have to deal with Euros instead of francs in Germany, liras in Italy, etc.  And just because they use one currency does not mean that one country interferes with the policies of the other countries.  Each country is a nation on its own and respected as such.

  5. you betcha....  

    you can take that one to the bank... pun intended.

  6. I live in Alaska. Should this sort of thing come to pass I have only one of two words to use to respond the situation.


    2) Revolution

    Funny that everyone would blame Bush for something that will happen after he's out of office. Whatever is the matter? Have you so little faith in the liberals who's rhetoric you parrot? Do you not feel that your hallowed ones can save you from this?

    Better put your faith in yourselves and do something about what you don't like because let's face it- eight years of whining about it has gotten you nowhere.

  7. I believe we will soon have it and soon the American society as we know it will only be a memory! God help us ALL!

  8. Yes. Just in time for you to buy a new supply of tin-foil hats.

  9. God, I hope not!  We will if Bush has his way, though..  Congress already voted on it before and they voted against changing the currency.

  10. No I think the website is a crock

    "From the mindsets documented above, and more data available through this site, emerges the concept

    of the "Amero," an international currency whereby the American monetary system and our treasury

    system become homogeneous with those of Mexico and Canada."

    It hasn't been proposed these people just claim the people are thinking about it.

    From the mindsets, comical they claim to know what these people are planning.

    This website just exists to sell crappy pretend money and fleece goofballs. One of the more amusing parts is the "Union of North America" coins they sell with Jamestown on them.  As if a union including Mexico would idolize Jamestown over every earlier settlement.

  11. Changing our currency marks the beginning of the end.

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