
"Abortion laws should not be done unless there is a documented medical necessity because

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"Abortion laws should not be done unless there is a documented medical necessity because




  1. abortion is legal so let it go unless you gonna change the law

  2. Abortion is a legal procedure.

  3. So if you make illegal, as it once was, all that happened is that women had it done illegally.

    Of course now we can just have them illegitimately and have them join the ranks of welfare moms and kids that people love to complain about having to pay taxes for welfare.  

    No other medical procedure needs to be vetted by the government for anything other than safety for the patient.

    All of a sudden we have decided that a woman can't make an informed judgment for herself when it comes to risking her life in an unplanned pregnancy.

    Gimme a break.

  4. This isn't a question.

  5. "A woman should have the right to chose because....

  6. first of all this isn't a question. it sure answers why abortion should be legal!

  7. Abortion is illegal because it is the killing of an unborn child.

  8. what's your question?

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