
"Al Gore Lies"?

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Is this true or another conservative lie?

Anyone have a handy reference?




  1. As it relates to global warming there is no truth, there is no lie;  there is only theory and supposition, all based on observation but open to multiple interpretation.

    However:  I think it always better to err on the side of caution, so I'll go with Al on this one.

    OH!  Almost  Specious twaddle; you'd be better off listening to Fox news.

  2. When a conservative opens his mouth, view it as a lie.

    The reason is this:


    Money first, people second


    People first, money second


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  3. Just more conservative lies.

    And their usual ignorance o f even basic science.  If you look at the "11" so -called mistakes (I did) you will find that the only person who might think Gore was not being accurate would be a person so uneducated they lacked the background (say, a 6th grade education) to comprehend the material.

    Plus: the nitwits on the right keep whining about "Gore said this" or "Gore said that."

    Gore does not--and never has done --anything but report scientific findings. He isn't a scientist and never claimed to be.  If the cons had any real evidence of errors, they'd take it up with the scientists, not Gore.

  4. i think global warming is a real issue and a serious threat, but he kinda over did it by making up things to increase the hype and create propaganda, then again everyone in the whole world uses propaganda. The funny thing is when you watch his movie, The Inconvenient Truth and then watch the the intro to Day After tomorrow, when they are flying over the huge mass of ice, you might see that that same scene is also in All Gore's movie. It looks very very similar to the movie Day After tomorrow, which by the way is done all by computers  so imagine a supposed movie thats the truth having computer animated scenes propagating the melting of huge shelves of ice. Which is not to say that it is not unlikely. Fear is a great weapon.

  5. Al Gore has considered himself an environmentalist since his early days in politics, if not before.  I won't argue that.  What is clear is that in his film there are so many blatant flaws and untruths that one wonders if they were deliberately placed there to deceive.  And if they were, with the huge power-push the film got starting with Sundance and ending with an Academy Award and Nobel Prize, then there is something very wrong which needs to be corrected.

    I believe strongly that this is the case.  With so many deliberate  misconceptions in the film there is nothing wrong with asking him to be accountable.  He steadfastly refuses, and also will not debate the issue with anyone in a public forum.  

    The link  is correct in what it states, and Mr. Gore is wrong to continue to push his highly questionable theory as fact.

  6. Hmm, I looked at the link but it seemed mostly incoherent.  I think Gore gets most (but not all) of the science right in his movie.  In general there's too much politics in the movie.  Most conservatives won't believe it because they hate Gore.  That's too bad because it's an extremely important subject that even conservatives need to pay attention to.

  7. Al Gore is an ***, mainly because he is touting his propaganda for personal gain and political reasons all the while flying around in his jet, which lets off more emissions in one trip than an SUV driven across the country several times over. Of course there are holes in his theory all over, for one example go read the latest NASA report. If people did their own thinking rather then passively be spoon fed whatever big media happens to be shoveling in at the time it would be easy to see past they hype. I am upset because Mr. Gore gives environmentalism a bad name and has all but turned it into a joke for at least half the country. If people really are concerned about the environment they need to take personal responsibility and make some changes in their everyday lives and habits. And educate themselves first and foremost. Buying an electric lawnmower/car etc doesn't quite cut it when 55% of electricity comes from burning coal. And for the record, conservatives are far from money first people later...they are for freedom of the individual and personal rights and along with that personal responsibility. They are for small govt, the ideals on which the country was founded. The liberals these days are more for big government, socialization and less freedom for the people. In California a law was passed for the state to control your thermostat. Talk about big govt and erosion of  personal freedoms. Do your own research, your own thinking and don't believe any major news media..remember everyone has there agendas. I don't even want you to believe me, dig a bit for yourself so you can see what is the truth vs. what is not.

  8. Al Gore utilized drama which means it was not accurate.  We he ran for the presidency, one of his flaws was his credibility. Having watched the film, I felt it was more theater then science, a movie based upon some truth does not make it a factual.   As far as the idea that all conservatives lie, as stated by on responder, that broad statement in itself is untruthful.  There are Conservatives and Liberals that are truthful and those that lie. To lie, is a personal choice and no group can lay claim to the truth especially if they are obsessed with a agenda.     Somewhere in the mix it really depends on our outlook and what we choose to believe, the rest is a just a debate, and I say leave it in the dust and let the rain settle it.

  9. Of course he lies. he is a politician.

  10. How do you know that they are lies? Prove it then. Why is the temperature growing warmer? Why are the ice caps melting? Why are there more tornadoes? Tell me why, you don't believe in global warming? Maybe, you are the one listening to lies!

  11. I won't make any scientific statement but i'll say this that its not uncommon for politics to lie
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