
"BY DEFAULT"..what does this phrase mean? If someone said..."susan doesn't like you, by default!"...what does

by Guest62698  |  earlier

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this mean please?




  1. Susan has a default position on liking/not liking people? Her problem not yours. Do not even try to fathom this one out, UNLESS of course you are being fed duff information, as a default position?

  2. odd usage.  By default indicates the response or action that will occur automatically in response to something-you have to take an action to change the default response.

    For example, when I turn on my cable tv, it is always on the supplier channel, that is the default or startup location.

    A home page for your webbrowser is the default location.  It is where the browser goes when you open a new page or tab.

    I suppose that the statement you mention means that susan automatically doesn't like someone (anyone in general, it is the way she starts out looking at people), and that to get susan to like them, they have to do some work, they have to earn her liking them.

  3. it means : when somebody does not make a choice

    so susan doesn't like you, by default - means susan doesn't like you as in automaticaly or without a choice

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