I got into a very heated argument tonight regarding this statement. My position was (and still stands) that beauty, truly is in the eye of the beholder.
My architect uncle however has a PhD and awards and disagrees. He says Beauty is Quantifiable.
Art in fact, is only beautiful if the Critics agree it is because they have the eye for it.
I said that well may be true but at the end of the day, The greatest tasting wine in the world is the one that YOU think is the best.
Response was that I am being 'politcal' and an 'anarchist' -
I understand Wine tasting is an art form. I understand its very complex and I respect the art form.
But I do not think beauty is quantifiable.
I cannot defend my argument with witty quotes and clever rhetoric. I am not a university graduate and so my arguments were all dismissed as uneducated.
I felt beauty was killed in front of my eyes and I am upset.
I do not know how to defend my position.