
"Brain Shiver's". Does anyone know a home or natural or over-the-counter remedy to make them less intense? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been on anti-depressants for 4 years now. I am trying to conceive a baby and was informed by my doctor do discontinue use of ALL anti-depressants because of the fact that at this point in time there are NO substantial information to prove that anti-depressants are safe for the fetus. So i am coming off my meds.

I am experiencing extremely horrible brain shivers that are making my even delusional at times they r so bad. I was taking 150mg effexor and now im down to 10mg . My body can't for some reason "Kick" the last 10mg without causing these horrible brain shivers. But i need to get rid of it.

Please help if you have been in the same situation or know an answer for me.

Thanks for reading this guys, and God Bless.




  1. Are you certain you DR said to stop cold turkey ????

    150 to 10... NO

    Typically you lesson your dose over a couple weeks time and this will ellimnate the brain shivers and possibilty of a siezure from abruptly stopping.

    Now I don't know what you are/were taking but if strong enough to cause brain shivvers I am assuming this is the case.

    Call your DR NOW and or PHARM. DR 1st

    Probably need to get back on.. and wean off.

    Don't try to concieve right away. Give yourself 30-60 days to flush preferable 60days using lots of natural anioxidents.


    ADD'L.. See your Doctor. Don't wait.

  2. Effexor does this, and it sucks. Unfortunately. Brain Shivers are incredibly unpleasant, but fortunately are not in any way shape or form dangerous. And your doctor is correct. Most antidepressants are in pregnancy category C - which means we have no idea if they're safe for use in pregnancy and the doctor should use his own judgement. This largely relies on wether the mother will freak out if they're removed.

    Unfortunately there's not a lot OTC that will help. You can try 5HTP, but that's really unlikely to help. What's actually the best way to finally get off Effexor is a prozac taper. Prozac hangs around in your system and is removed slowly - much more slowly than Effexor. So what you do is take your last Effexor, then ~12 hours later take a dose of prozac. The prozac is slowly removed from your body, which provides a much easier withdrawal than just cutting that last bit of Effexor. This does not work for everyone, but it works for a -lot- of them. You'll have to talk to your doctor to get a prescription for one or two pills of prozac.

    Check out the Effexor page at for some general info about Effexor, I think they have a special section about ceasing use.

    Good luck.

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