
"Children of Men" has me thinking frequencies.?

by Guest33183  |  earlier

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Yeah, I just watched the movie "Children of Men". The part where the one girl says that thing about frequencies, about how if your ears start to ring it's the sound of your cells dying and you will never hear that frequency again-- it had me thinking. I don't know much about frequencies or the human body, but is this true? And if it is, does that mean that eventually everyone goes deaf, or are there just enough frequencies that you can hear, that it doesn't matter how many you are deaf to, you can still hear? I find this very interesting and if anyone can give me a website or any information about this, please link me or inform me, thank you! (I'm also pretty sure that this isn't the correct category, but I couldn't find another one that fit, so I just generalized it!)




  1. Not meaning to be blunt, but utter balls.

    Tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is caused by short, very loud sounds, or by prolonged exposure to loud noise, high frequencies etc. It can also be caused by trauma, an ear infection, certain kinds of medication etc. etc.

    Tinnitus is usually caused by small muscle spasm or twitches in the ear, sometimes intermittent by usually a consists 'ripple' causing a sound like ringing or sometimes crickets.

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