
"Citizen of the World Reporting for Duty" is Obama for real?

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"Citizen of the World Reporting for Duty" is Obama for real?




  1. Yes, he really said that.  Sure wish he had said that about the USA, and not the world.

    Guess it just about says it all about how he sees our country.

  2. So you don't live in the world. We need allies, how is this bad. We need someone who sees the world as friends not always enemies. I think that Obama is on the right track trying to make friends with the world.

  3. I don't think he is.

    "I am the one the world has been waiting for."

    Barack Obama

    He thinks he' God or something.  The world doesn't like him any more than Americans do and the majority of Americans don't like him.

  4. He very much is for real.  He is not to be taken lightly.  He is a dangerous person.  He may sound silly, outrageous, and cartoonish. but if he is elected president, that would be a disaster of Biblical proportions.

  5. *LMAO* Did he really say that? Please provide a link. This guy is as conceited as he is hypocritical.  

  6. 8 years of Bush and the Republicans have made most of these swift boating techniques irrelevant - but I still get a laugh out of watching you fools do this. You just don't get it do you - after Bush Zippy the Pin head could get elected President provided he's not running as a Republican. The stinking morass that is the Bush Presidency is sticking to the shoes of everyone who ever came near it - including McCain. The Republicans have disgraced us in the eyes of the world and destroyed our economy. It's going to take more than a few stupid insults and pathetic character assassinations to stop Obama - we're mad as h**l and we're not going to take it anymore!  

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