
"Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity," what do you think this quote means?

by Guest21451  |  earlier

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It was qouted by a male doctor who examined Alice Paul when the government wanted her to be seen as suicidal for her hunger strike.




  1. Well, I guess that it means that women are expected to be weak, and if they are strong, and have strong feelings about things, even to the point of wanting to die without the vote, then they must be "insane" because they are not acting in the way that "society" has decided that they should act.  Men are expected to be brave and have strong feelings.

  2. I agree with that statement.  Courage is a trait, that when a woman has it, men and a lot of other women are baffled by it.  And until they get to know that woman, they're often intimidated by the balls she has, and the courage that just comes natural to her.  Once they do get to know her, they really come to find how cool of a trait that is in the woman, and many of them look to her as an example.

    But I wouldn't all a hunger strike courageous.  Constructive courage is much more effective.

  3. That the world is not fair or equal in any way. Personally I think football and boxing are insane but that's just me.

  4. Well in this instance I think it was probably true.  She was doing it to fight for something she felt strongly about.  This would apply to anyone who risks things for what they believe in, man or woman.  However I do not think this validates those who are truly "insane" or are out to harm others.

  5. I think the quote is true for men as well.  Anyone who acts against the status quo is considered insane, even though time and time again, these solitary acts prove to be the catalyst for the very change needed.

  6. courage in female pandas is often perceived this way

    female pandas are not crazy, they just want their voices to be heard and do crazy things to get their point across

    this is what petey thinks of this quote

  7. Hunger strikes only work when people care about the person starving themselves.

    Maybe she was considered suicidal because no one gave a sh*t.

    EDIT: They couldn't very well just let her die, do you think a doctor wants to look bad because of some women throwing a fit?

  8. Hunger strikes are insanity

  9. Or is it the other way around ?

  10. I'm sorry, but there are other ways to make a statement.

    Hunger strike = stupidity if anything besides insanity.

    There's a  big difference between insane, and brave.

  11. In the early days of feminism, certain traits (i.e. intelligence, independence, "balls," etc.) were seen as unwomanly, and any woman who possessed them had to have something wrong with her.

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