
"Dance is the poetry of the feet" Kindly explain it. and What makes a dancer a dancer? explain also.

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The Virtues that a dancer should keep in mind...




  1. Is that an actual saying? I can see dance being the poetry of the whole body through movement. I'm not sure how much poetry you can express with just your feet.

    In any case, I can tell you what makes my daughter a dancer. She is a person who expresses herself best through dance. She must dance just like she must breathe. And her need to express herself through dance extends to her wanting to make her mark as a choreographer. She recently graduated with a BFA in dance, where choreography was a major portion of the curriculum. The pieces she created were all composed first without music and then later set to music. Her movements were all about issues she was going through that, for her, could only be expressed through dance. And, sure enough, her pieces manage to communicate her feelings to other people, so she is already experiencing some success in conveying her artistic vision.

    But even for dancers who aren't choreographers, but whose job is to simply be the canvas for someone else to set their ideas on, they still must use their bodies to express those feelings and ideas. If I had to coin a saying, I'd say that dance is music in living color, where the notes that are released from their instruments find true form and freedom on the stage.

    As for other things like virtues and traits that makes a dancer a dancer, they write whole books on the subject. Feel free to ask more questions. And I hope folks will note that we're two different people.  ;-)

  2. Very deep, really puts it in perspective. good dancing is feeling free and bonding with the music, to have no inhibitions on the dance floor, do what you feel at the moment, that's good dancing : )

  3. is this a homework assignment?  

    someone asked the same exact questions....hmmm

    *c***s one eyebrow

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