
"Divorced men are nearly 9 times more likely to commit suicide than their female counterparts"?

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I've found an interesting article here, to spark a serious debate on marriage and what it means to men.*x-relationships/Sudden_Divorce_Syndrome_printer.shtml

What do you think of it? Do you have any personal stories?

"But for many men, the real pain isn’t financial, it’s emotional: “Men depend on women for their social support and connections,” says Buckley. “When marriages end, men can find themselves far more alone than they ever expected.” In a large-scale Canadian survey, 19 percent of men reported a significant drop in social support post divorce. Women are customarily the keepers of the social calendars, and all that is implied by that, providing for what University of Texas sociologist Norval D. Glenn calls the ­“intangibles” that can create much of a man’s sense of place in the world. More often than not, wives send out the Christmas cards; they stitched that cute Halloween costume their daughter wore in second grade; they recall the names of the neighbors who used to live two houses down. The men who bear all these unexpected burdens do so alone, in a strange place, while their ex-wives and children live in the houses that used to be theirs. For an ex-husband to enter that house can feel like trespassing, even though it was paid for with his own money, or sometimes, built with his own hands."

“Marriage changes men more pervasively and more profoundly than it changes women,” explains sociologist Steven Nock, author of Marriage in Men’s Lives. “The best way to put it is, marriage is for men what motherhood is for women.” Marriage makes men grow up. Nock observes that many men before marriage are indifferent workers, and, after hours, are likely to be found in bars or zoned out in front of a TV. After marriage, they are solid wage earners, frequent churchgoers, maybe members of a neighborhood protection association. But divorce takes that underpinning away, leaving men strangely infantilized and unsure of their place in the world. They feel like interlopers in the stands at their children’s soccer games or in the auditorium for their school"




  1. Wow how simple is this.

    Men shoulder the majority of burden, financially speaking, in a relationship. Is it any wonder that their suicide rate is higher? Duhh!

    I'd love to babysit the kids and send out the Xmas cards. I'll even take little Susie to the party store so she can pick out her own costume.

    Honey, you need to work some overtime, so I can buy 6 pairs of steel-toed boots! ROFL!

    Show of hands girls... how many of you volunteered to fight forest fires this summer?

    Did you run into a burning building lately and help put out the fire?

  2. well I'm divorced it happened about a year ago.ive got my ex up my a$$ at least once a week pe-ed off for nothing most of the time.but anywho i don't see myself walking onto the woods alone with a rope in the future over it.though money wise I'm strapped after paying my c/s life's pretty good.but i do admit ive kinda lost my sense of life where as i take some crazy risks sometimes that could put me 6 feet under.hy ,have not figured it out.but thanks for the info above.

  3. True, and a lot of men have never learned how to feed themselves healthy meals. But what was the question?

  4. It's simple -- married men WANT to die!!

  5. This would be all dandy in a  perfect world with perfect marriages. Majority of all suicides or attempts Ive handled were not because of divorce alone. Suicide is usually an accumulation of several different things that absolutely overwhelm the person into believing that there is absolutely no other way than suicide which is never really true. Also majority of suicidal people who talk about it never do it, its the quiet withdrawn people that end up doing it. True,mariages change people but then marriage itself is considred a chnge and any change in someones world will change that person so change due to marriage is inevitable but divorce doesnt mean an end to their world although at times it may seem like it, but life does go on. Now in  todays world,the husbands ae not necessarily the main bread winners or head of household anymore. Many men nowadays dont change their lifestyle just because they have a wife and/or family. Marriage does cause stress in both spouses and how they handle this stress makes them what they are, just like in life. Personally, I think todays world of g**s and lesbians, high divorce rate, TV soap operas, and other uncertainties change more people than does marriage. In fact marriage may well be the one stable thing we have in life that keeps us in touch with God than anything else. Therefore we all must learn to adapt to our ever chaning world. I strongly disagree with your statement above

  6. i could only wish.

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