
"Do you want to get well?" ?

by  |  earlier

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Then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will get well.

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."




  1. Great question.

  2. Indeed my cup runneth over  =)  I am blessed ~

  3. do you want to use more quotation marks?

  4. How do you mean?

  5. Is this about purging?

  6. Of course I do. I have a long term illness and I want to get better.

  7. yes

  8. You aren't quoting the Bible here, are you?

    *is reminded of a certain miracle story about this question...*

  9. Do you really want to be a bother?

  10. The rivers of Living Waters has put my Lupus in remission. For that, I am thankful.  

  11. What rubbish!!

    Try a simple experiment.

    Take a group of non Christians who have a serious condition - let them use the medicine and treatments based on science and evolution.

    Take a group of Christians with the same condition and let them shun the medication and simply pray for healing and saving.

    It could not be done because you would not find enough Christians with sufficient faith to do it and if you did the death toll would be far too high!!

    Why is it that Christians say they look forward to dying and meeting their maker but then do everything they can not to do it?!!

  12. eagerly so I can preach the gospel. The demons for now have me bind-ed.

    Can not wait till I am free.

  13. Yes. I follow Him in all circumstances

  14. Yes, I think a well would complement my spice garden quite nicely.

  15. If you truly want to get better then you need to heal yourself. Once you empower your soul its quite easy.

    Healing Loved Ones

    When we perform Satanic healing on our loved ones, it is quite different

    than working on ourselves. It is best to use healing energy from the earth

    and let it run through us into the loved one.

    To do this, it is very important to have open, active, and powerful chakras

    especially in your hands and feet. For more information, click on the links




    Your soul must be strong enough. This comes with repeated and consistent

    power meditations. Depending upon the severity of the illness or problem,

    more than one healing session is often necessary. This also depends upon the

    strength of your own powers.

    Several months ago, I healed one of my pets by placing my hands over where

    she was having the problem. I opened both my hand and feet chakras and began

    drawing in energy through my feet (I was in my house) and directed the

    healing energy out my palm chakras, all the time visualizing the white-gold

    brilliant light on her, and affirming she was healed. My powers were also at

    their height as I did this following a hatha yoga session and power

    meditation. In this instance, it only took one session and she was fine.

    There are some guidelines for healing loved ones:

    1. Make sure you are strong enough and it is best not to use your own

    energies. Pulling energy from the earth, the sun or any other natural source

    is best. Always run the energy through yourself.

    2. Make sure to completely clean your aura and chakras afterwards.

    3. In cases of serious accidents or related, the more people involved in the

    healing, the better the chance for recovery. Friends, relatives and so

    forth, if they are at all open-minded can be organized into drawing in

    energy and applying it to the afflicted one in an emergency situation. Even

    people who are not trained and who know nothing are better than not doing a

    thing. The more people, the more energy.

    4. Like working any and all magick, one must have confidence in and believe

    in a full recovery.

    5. Affirmations are always necessary as energy does what it is told to do.

    Affirmations should always be in the present tense and of a positive


    6. Once healing sessions are begun, depending upon the severity, they should

    be repeated until the loved one has made a full and complete recovery.

    7. Cleaning the area or body using a brilliant white light before applying

    healing energy also helps.

    8. As with healing the self- severe cases may require several healing

    sessions per day. This also depends upon your own personal powers. The more

    powerful you are, the more powerful and effective your healing energy.

    Extremely powerful brothers and sisters may only do one healing session with

    a complete recovery.

    9. The longer (more chronic) the ailment, the more difficult it is to heal.

    Congenital (afflictions one is born with) are the most difficult. Nothing is

    impossible! The human mind is even capable of growing a new limb. The key is

    extreme personal power through consistent meditation, patience,

    perseverance, and above all -CONSISTENCY!

    (c) Copyright 2008, Joy of Satan Ministries;

    Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

  16. no one is ever truly well

  17. Do you want to get sick?

  18. Yes, who wants to be sick?

  19. yes, and what do you think I've been doing.  I also know that Jesus gave us medical knowledge to help out with healing.


  20. Yes I want to be in a state where I can be stress-free for more than one hour.

  21. I didn't know I was ill!

  22. Absolutely, I'd like to get a well. You can get much better water from a well than from the municipal supply. They are particularly beneficial when a natural disaster knocks out the power grid: water pressure dies pretty quickly without power to run their pumps. With a private generator and a private well, one can weather out most any emergency.

  23. I want to know wth you are talking about...

  24. Do you want to get vague?

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