
"Does Anyone Else Think....?

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That History Is Repeating itself? I mean, the war in Iraq and the public being against it fells like its Vietnam all over again, just for one example. Are we in some kind of endless cycle?




  1. No. The only comparison between those two wars is that the ones who are in the vanguard of the anti-war movement today are the same ones I saw over thirty years ago protesting against the war in Vietnam. Their middles are a bit wider and their hair is a different color. But, a lot of them are the same crowd.

    What I am more bothered about is the sheer hypocrisy of it all. I never saw one of those demonstrations being launched when 7,500 men and women died in the armed forces between 1993 and 2001. Nor was there a lot of noise being made when 9,555 died between 1980 and 1984. So, I make a valid assumption that it isn't the loss of life they are moaning about. It's using that loss of life towards achievement of a political agenda.

  2. Yep, and maybe!

  3. You need not go back to Vietnam.  A more recent mirror image can be found in the 10 years that the Soviets dicked around in Afghanistan only to leave with their tales tucked.  And they were ten times more ruthless than we'll ever be.

  4. There are many who are saying history is repeating itself.

    Some are saying the isolationist are thinking the same way they were before WWII.  And Iran is like Germany.  

    I suspect there are points to both sides.  When history repeats itself, it rarely does so in complete parallels.

  5. yes, again the war boys making billions off idiotic wars playing on fake patriotic slogans ...and america is so gullible

  6. The problem is that we didn't go in kick major butt then leave...and it's thanks to those who are wishy washy on how to fight a war...

    another problem is that we are fighting an "ism"...not "ists"...if we were truly fighting terrorists, we would round them all up within our country and put them in prison, they would be prisoners of war...

    anyone who does not belong in this country, known terrorists, traitors, or those who aid and abed the enemy from within this country should be imprisoned along with them...

    but our leaders are too worried about being politically correct these days, they are worried about lawsuits over college-style antics such as putting underwear on some criminal's head, instead of killing the bast^&*s that behead our citizens...if they did that, they would realize we mean business...but our leaders are too soft...

    thus we will lose this war we half way fight...and any other one done the same way....Vietnam couldn't be won for the same reason, we didn't go in there and kick major butt, we just send a few here and a few there, sacrificing them to the Cong gods, till we had lost hundreds of thousands of our soldiers...that's what happens when beaurocrats try to run the war from behind a desk, instead of letting the leaders of the Armed Forces make the decisions...

    We need a backbone...we need Patton back! Too bad we are a generation of wimps...

  7. I THINK... and am SERIOUS when I tell you to check out ( ...  also check out the video documentation VERIFYING the information. HANG  ON  TO  YOUR  HAT  my friend tell your friends about this ...  SPREAD  THE  WORD!!!!

  8. Strong U.N. only way out it must finally stop The U.S.A.  Were citizens to give entertainment money to U.N. instead would be start. Time to break script. Whoever Fights U.N. Fights World.  U.S. citizens could join U.N. in effort to end the cycle.   Nato dissolved if not already and U.N. to take place of Nato a strong U.N. Human Supremacist Attitudes which result in Suicidal Greed,  Corporate Power, Damaged Ecosystem,  Wars, could be rejected at U.N.

  9. Iraq is another Vietnam in the making - the US is doomed to lose another war.

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