
"Doom & Gloom", or reasonably happy ?

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Hi Folks,

I consider myself to be a cheerful sort of bloke.

Optimist, no real problem with life, although a bit more cash in the bank would be nice, but on my travels on the boat etc., I come across a lot of people that are just downright grumpy & miserable.

Why make life a misery, when despite some of the hardships & problems I have had, I can still smile ?





  1. maybe cos your a man?

    as a woman i seriously can't be happy all the time.

    im not passing the blame by any means but hormones play a huge part.

    the majority of the time im :D:D:D:D smiling my way through the day,

    however, theres some days where no matter what i do, even if im having a good day, my body doesn't allow me to enjoy it and gives me a huge headache and stomach cramp.

    and some days where my mind just won't let me be happy.

  2. Maybe you're just better than the rest of us.

  3. I guess some people like to dwell on the negative. I know plenty of people like that. It's like they are never happy....they think everything has a downside, and if something good happens in their life, well, then something is bound to go wrong.

    People like that really frustrate me, because I'm like you...I try to look on the bright side, and I truly am an optimist.

    I think it's such a waste to be miserable.

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