
"Effect of gizmos on today's youth"?

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I need a mindblowing writeup on that for my speech tomorrow. Just a small paragraph. Pl help. I'll bcome a diehard fan of yours 4 that.




  1. Gizmos have affected many youth to the point where in the USA and Japan there are great time gaps between tradintaol thinking parents and logical youth. If the gizmo market did not explode like it did the time gaps would be tremoundsly smaller if existing we would see more tradinatol values being the source of all refrence where as today in such a free creative society gizmos are only an extension to the new logic the WHOLE world will have to face. But this is not a bad thing  once generation "now" comes of age justs think of all the new breakthroughs discovries and economic and social prosperity

  2. The effect of today's gizmos on today's youth has caused a gap and a barrier that have proved determintal to the next generation. I-pod's, blackberries etc has created a culture of youth unable to express itself in more then short cuts phrases. They also create a culture of people unable to communicate face to face. Furthermore, they have contributed to isolation and have created a culture of (for lack of a better word) mean spiritness. When the young text message or IM it allows them to forget they are talking to another human. They don't have to watch how their words effect the person. It is done from a distance.They will never see how their words have hurt or see the pain they have caused. These creates a generation of people who don't know how to relate and who don't care how they effect people. Finally, it promotes a level of consummerism that is degrading to their well-being. They have to have more and newer and faster.

    It is one point of view. The other would be the following.

    The gizmo's of today have taught the young how to be hungry for knowledge. Most of gizmo's allow for the young to have instant access to anwers that they would never bother to look up if it was not for the new technology. In a busy society, they allow for parents to continue to communicate with their children and children to be a part of a community bigger then their hometown. Because of technology, the young are players in the globel neighborhood.

    Hope that helps. Good luck

  3. Technology, as many have said has the effect in our society which makes us become less socially active, but this is usually a "common sense" view, it could be the fact that (like me) we text one another and tell the other person where and when we are meeting up.  Internet chat rooms to an extent brings a whole new socially active order, with many users disabled, and have limited contact with the out side world, the Internet chat rooms gives the them opportunity to socialize it other ways.

    However it does have to be stated that other technology can to an extent limited younger social interaction, with many opting for computing games, but it has to be looked at in the round, with many individuals bringing friends over.

    The Internet has opened up a whole new "reality" for many of us, Yahoo! Answers would after all not exist, and it can be argued that it is a form of social interaction.

  4. If you mean things like video games, mp3 players, cell phones, and now the new iphone i would say in some cases it makes them more lazy.  Obviously video games being the number 1 laziness causer because instead of being outside doing some sort of sporting activity or whatever, they sit on their *** and play games.  Cell phones distract them from everything else going on around them like bringing them to school with them and texting their friends in the middle of class.  The iphone is going to be one of the best creations since sliced bread and is going to have the same problems as cell phones in terms of kids bringing them to school with them, playing with them instead of doing thier work.  MP3 players however are alittle different because thats something you dont really need inside somewhere so they can use it if they walk to school, exercise, etc.  So i would say the mp3 player has the most positive effect on kids.  Not to mention what type of effect gizmos would have on a kid's attitude meaning them thinking their better than everyone else for having these type of things when others dont.  

    Bottom line most gizmos makes kids lazy, feel spoiled, and sometimes even alittle stuckup.  If you wanna look at it in a positve way though, if the kid doesnt have a parent who goes out and buys them everything  they want, they can work for the money like babysitting, cleaning, chores or whatever so they know how it feels in the working world for when they get older.

    Not sure if this is the type of answer you were looking for but thats my 2 cents.  good luck on your speech!

  5. This is one area where my views are more balanced, if somewhat less developed. I see both good and bad potential in technology - it's neutral by itself - but depends on how you use it.  I agree with the posters that argue that technology has allowed us to retreat from society. I also would agree that we need more instances of technology in service of man, rather than technology that enslaves mankind (see theorist Erich Fromm, "The Revolution of Hope"). There is also the potential for burnout - I used to be able to wait until I got home for people to try calling me - now people can reach me anywhere. There's also the information glut phenomenon.

    On the other hand, technology like the internet allows me to find songs that were long forgotten, and play them in my car. I can link up with people all over the world. Research is easier. Information is more accessible. I have access to books at my fingertips - and I want more, not less. I can discover things that I never would have known about otherwise. I have a quite a bit of good things to say about technology. In fact, I am a  tech support rep - I would have a completely different job without "gizmos."

  6. They mess e'm up? i cant think strait right now...

  7. "Gizmos" is merely a term for recent technology, and as such, has no real meaning, though among certain older people it has negative connotations.  But if you think about it, horse-drawn-ploughs, light bulbs, bicycles, motor cars, dishwashers, heart pace-makers and microwave ovens were all "gizmos" not so very long ago.

    The effect of today's gizmo's on today's youth is precisely the same as the effect yesterday's gizmos had on yesterdays' youth; it prepares them for the future.  The primary effect of current "gizmos" (like cell phones, Blackberrys, GPS devices & mobile internet) is a flattening of the world's knowledge-base, and a granting of access to that knowledge base to anyone anywhere in the world who has the right "gizmo".  No-one will ever know "Everything" anymore, (though remarkably, just a few centuries ago a person COULD "know everything" that was known at that time!) but with the right "gizmo" in hand, the youth of today just need to know what search terms to post in a search engine on the internet, and they can learn anything they need!

  8. Just print out this page and use your question and the pitiful answers that ensue,  as a demonstration of what has happened to society not just our youth.  ...Tt  ... crack me up, you answered your own question.  :)

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