
"Ethics" and "morality" have been contrasted in a seemingly false dichotomy. Do you agree?

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The question has been asked many times why a conflict between morals and values make a discision difficult?

I answer :

Because it is a false dichotomy. I've heard it many times, but who devised it?

Morals are entirely based on the values of human existence. Remove that value and morality has no meaning. All other values are based on the value of human existence--food, marriage, family, children, money, social systems, political systems, religion.

You cannot make the first decision about morality without taking the value of what it means to be human into your equation.




  1. I would tend to disagree with this.  Although I can see your your side, I tend to think of this on a more shallow level.  I think when people are having difficulty deciding over an issue that deems itself to be between morals and values, that it must be on a more shallow, greedy level.  Taking your answer into account, I couldn't see where someone would have trouble deciding over and issue: if their said values were interlaced with their morals the decision should be easy.  If one defines values as an individuals interpretation of importance or relative worth that could be very different than their ingrained set of morals, hence leading to the indecision.

  2. YES!

  3. yes

  4. I see your point exactly. This could be a reduction to absurdity, but I'm not going there. It would seem that morality comes out of human value and not the other way around. I believe that morality is a human construct around a working premise that we all hold as true. This is that human life has utmost value. So long as we hold this as true, we will struggle with morality.

  5. You are very very correct in all respect. It is false dichotomy only.

    Ethics or morality is for human beings as a whole without discrimination on any basis (language, country, religion,  cast, creed etc. ) should live with harmonious, prosperous, happy  & peacfull life with Wisdom in the society utilising the Nature and also safegaurding the natural rhythm.  

    I want add one more thing in to your great Saying: The definition for morality- " It is one of  The three major virtues-All of us should live without confliting or infliting pain, loss or problems to self or others at present or  future to the body or mind." The other two are Duty & charity.

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