Then I remembered in the past reading articles about the theory of fertilizing eggs without sperm which would produce females.So,if we eradicate males we could, in theory, have a whole planet of just females (please hold your applause down, thank you).I hear they're far from proving it; but there's enough money and work into it to sustain the probability.
I know I'm not alone in observing that homosexual couples still consist of a masculine type (more aggressive/top) and a feminine type (more acquiescent/bottom).So,in this all-female world you still are going to have the aggressive females dominating the more acquiescent females.There will still be labels.Half of this population will still assertively bar the other half from certain roles and duties.And so I'm sure that the acquiescent types will rebel in much the same way as feminism today.So,shouldn't "feminism" be called something else?Should the movement be about behavior and not gender?Will feminism live past the demise of males?