
"Firefly" like Sci-Fi TV series?

by Guest60697  |  earlier

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I just finished watching the Firefly series after first seeing the movie serenity. The only dissapointment I had with this series was discovering a second season wasn't created (who would cancel such a great series anyway?!). Anyway, I need some suggestions for Sci-Fi that are as well produced, creative, and well written as Firefly. Thank you for any suggestions!




  1. Firefly was amazing and I curse Fox every day for cancelling it.  

    Joss Whedon is working on a new show for next January called Dollhouse.  Let's hope it's as good and Fox leaves it alone.  

    I haven't found many shows that I enjoy as much as Firefly.  The only current show that comes close for me is Pushing Daisies, though it is more fantasy/mystery than sci-fi.  

    Babylon Five was also very good, complex, and had a similar sense of humor.  If you watch it, be aware that the first season isn't the best of the seasons, but you have to see it to understand what happens later.

    When I first discovered Firefly, and finished the last episode, I had a serious case of withdrawal.  The show that helped me through it was the X-Files.  There are some great episodes of it, and if you haven't seen it, you might be surprised how funny and engrossing it can be.  

    You could try the Dresden Files.  It only lasted one season, too, and deals with the supernatural.  It is based on a series of good books that is still being written, so there is plenty of material if you become addicted.

    If you haven't seen the last couple of seasons of Star Trek Deep Space 9, I would try it, too.  

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Joss Whedon and is very popular.  I'm not a fan, but you could try it.

    Wonderfalls was on for only one season, but there are lot of people who like both it and Firefly.

    I haven't seen the new Battlestar Galatica, but there are a lot of devoted fans who swear that it's fantastic.

    I hope these suggestions help and you can find something to help your Firefly withdrawal.   A lot of them can be seen for free at  Happy watching.

  2. There's always Buffy and Angel, the other two series by Joss Whedon.  You might also like Babylon 5 - it's older, but well written.  And Farscape is another great sci-fi show.

  3. Firefly was amazing... I wish there were more episodes!! FOX seems to cancel good shows a lot (Arrested Development anyone?)

    either way... have you watched Battlestar Galactica? You're in for a ride.

  4. Although they are more fantasy than Sci-Fi, you might enjoy Joss Whedon's other programs, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel".  All seven and five seasons respectively are available on DVD.  They can be both poignant and funny while still having action: everything we loved about "Firefly".

    For a shorter bit of entertainment, check out Joss Whedon's newest creation, "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" which is available for free viewing on Hulu. (As a bonus, it costars Captain Tightpants, I mean Nathan Fillion.)

    The first two seasons of "Buffy" as well as "Angel" season one are also available to watch on Hulu.

    If you have not read it yet, you should check out the comic "Serenity: Those Left Behind" which takes place chronologically between the series "Firefly" and the movie "Serenity".

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