
"Four more years of record spending, record deficits, record giveaways to the special interests? Agree or ???

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"Four more years of record spending, record deficits, record giveaways to the special interests? Agree or ???




  1. Yes,and you'll be here to complain about it. You can thank "W" for stopping terrorists in their tracks, or did you forget about 3000 men, women, and children killed  on 9/11. Perhaps you were still in grade school then.

  2. If you vote for the McCain that is exactly what you are going to get. The problem with that is America cannot withstand the destruction that our country has been through in the last 8 years.  Another 4 and we will be in a place that many never would have dreamed.  The Bush administration has actually made a laughing stock out of America.  It is a shame and total disgrace to realize that ppl will still vote for this party for the sake of their imagined white dominance.  That is the carrot the the Neo-Cons are dangling and return the stick is the evidence of the tragedy our country is in.

  3. U.S. Green Party or Civic Currency.

  4. and who marks OK on the bills for spending .if I remember I Congress has to let it go or turn it down .and they can turn down anytime .and the president can turn down anything  by vetoing all the earmarks that the Congress puts on their regional it just all saying the presidency only one Congress also spends money to yes we need another bridge to know where in new Orleans  

  5. True. The only question is how do you want the money spent?

    Wars to enrich the military industrial complex and oil companies (McCain) or health care, prescription drugs, education and other domestic spending (Obama)?

  6. Yes, because that is what our government does, tax and spend

  7. Yep, no matter how you look at it. One way or another the lobbyists will rule.  

  8. Well, what can I say?  If people want that, then they will vote for that, and if they rather see this country falling into the dumps than have a black guy running the show---what can I say?  This is a free country with free elections, majority rule and minority rights---so if the majority votes for just that, then there is nothing you or I can do.....absolutely nothing

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