
"Friend" acted like a child when we said we couldn't watch her own child at the drop of a hat!?

by Guest57674  |  earlier

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We thought this chick was our friend, but turns out she had a s***w or something loose. First off, she's about a decade older than my fiancee whose 6 years older than me. And she acts like an immature thing, whereas her 11 year old daughter acts older. Always yelling immature c**p and embarrassing you in public for one thing. No tact, that kind of thing.

Then the icing was when one time she asked if we could watch her daughter this ONE saturday in the month. We said yes since my fiancee was off. Then she took it back and said she didnt' have to go in. Okay, fine. Then she called on wednesday after I was at work and my fiancee came home (we both work 12 plus hours sometimes at opposite times of the day) and pretty much implied she had to watch her daughter since she was "called in" from the airforce.

My fiancee said she couldn't, had to work another 12 hours starting from 4 am the next day, etc etc, wouldnt' work. She got an attitude problem and got mad saying we agreed to watch her whenever... when we didnt'! And she even gave our name to the airforce saying we were her caregivers when she was called in!

What the ****?? When my fiancee called her about her attitude, saying WE had the right to be pissed, she threw a childish tantrum, yelliing like a kid, just screaming "shut up! just listen! you need to shut up!"

She wouldn't listen to reason. She refused to talk like an adult about it. And she's ******* older! Grow up. What would you do, all? Opinions please....




  1. Very simple. No more communication with this nut job. I don't have time to put up with childish tantrums, especially from grown people.

  2. tell her she needs to raise her daughter beter and straighten up or its over  

  3. Edit:

    I'm not saying you have to watch her kid. But she is getting divorced and she has no family nearby. She is going through one of the most stressful situations a person can go through and she has no support. You are very unsympathetic.

    Original answer:

    It sounds like she's desperate for childcare. And she's getting divorced, that's really stressful. Maybe this explains why she's acting like a nut. When you agreed to watch her kid one day, she must have misunderstood and was counting on you. She needs some help, and I don't mean the mental kind... she needs support from friends. She thought she could depend on you, she was wrong. Too bad for her. Go ahead and cut her out of your life. She'll be better off without friends like you.

  4. Find a new friend.  

  5. Drop her. You don't need a "friend" like this. Does she have family near? It is really not your problen. Live your own life, forget her.

  6. Leave the freak alone. I would never talk to her again. If she mentions it, i would just tell her i wasn't intrested in talking about it & no longer wished to associate myself with her tantrums.

  7. send her to a loony bin,

    no sorry just um cut her out of your life! being around negative people who put you in such a fowl mood is bad for you?

    and i wouldnt someone looking after my kid who did not want to!

    cant she send them to a daycare or something?

    does her daugher not have any friends? what about her family, if she is in the airforce then they can normally cover these things if she is called in late.

    but again if she is not reasonable leaver he be.

    you get on with your life, and you and your fiancee should enjoy the brief times you have together!

  8. sounds like my mother...all immature and what not. i would cut off communication with this person :-)

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