
"Geoff C" said "Little known fact in Illinois the only person who can arrest the sheriff is the coroner."

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Thanks to the 10th Admendant to the US Contitution, all states are different. In what states does this hold true that the sheriff can ONLY be arrested by the county coroner (provided he is in his own jurisdiction) ? And in what states can the sheriff be arrested by any police offcer? And where can this be documented?




  1. Any police officer who actually witnesses the Sheriff commit a crime can arrest him.

    However, if the arrest is after the fact, it is done by the Coroner.

  2. This is also true in Mississippi.  If the Sheriff needs to be arrested the coroner has to be the one to arrest him/her.

    The Deputies may be arrested by anyone if they break the law.

    In North Carolina anyone with power of arrest may arrest the Sheriff.  Sheriff Hege of Davidson County, for example, was arrested by NC SBI agents.

  3. In Colorado this is true...was on the POST test when I took it.

  4. I thought the coroner was more in the medical field, not the legal field.

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