I got up way to early: 6:00 a.m.; feel like I need at least another 4 hrs. sleep.
God, does this first cup of coffee taste wonderful; worth its weight in Gold. I think what probablly caused me to arise this early, was having left my radio on all night and had to get up to go to the b.r.: NPR was broadcasting an interview with Sen. Lamar Alexander, who use to be a professional musician; this aroused my interest, and couldn't get back to sleep.
By "yukky" weather, I mean we're still having cool nights, and a number of overcast-gloomy days; which is uncommon here this time of year.
But considering mother nature's having begun to reek her vengence on us, we her "spoilers", that has resulted in global warming, guess I really shouldn't be surprised. Just wondering when an New Madrid or San andreas fault(s) 15.++ magnitude earthquake, will erupt!!!
Floods, tornadoes, snow storms, where you are?