
"Good Morning" from Reno/Sparks, NV-USA: how are things where you live - "yukky" weather, like we have here?

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I got up way to early: 6:00 a.m.; feel like I need at least another 4 hrs. sleep.

God, does this first cup of coffee taste wonderful; worth its weight in Gold. I think what probablly caused me to arise this early, was having left my radio on all night and had to get up to go to the b.r.: NPR was broadcasting an interview with Sen. Lamar Alexander, who use to be a professional musician; this aroused my interest, and couldn't get back to sleep.

By "yukky" weather, I mean we're still having cool nights, and a number of overcast-gloomy days; which is uncommon here this time of year.

But considering mother nature's having begun to reek her vengence on us, we her "spoilers", that has resulted in global warming, guess I really shouldn't be surprised. Just wondering when an New Madrid or San andreas fault(s) 15.++ magnitude earthquake, will erupt!!!

Floods, tornadoes, snow storms, where you are?





  1. UK here. Has been lovely weather - in my part of the country at least - for past few days. Temperatures in mid 70s which is warm enough for me thank you! Been out today (Sunday) exploring, having a picnic, and enjoying the weather

  2. It's getting gross and muggy out here in Canada. We had a thunder storm and tornado warning today. We do have cool'ish nights, however, the days are treacherous. I hate the humidity.

  3. Good morning to you, too. The weather here in Orange, TX is just as yukky as yours. Warm (about 90F), cloudy and humid. I feel as if i drown from breathing (allergy sufferer).

    Don't want to go out and use my precious gas on running errands, so i am settling for a family lunch and some TV.

    Floods and thunderstorms are to expect where i live, we'll see how hard Mother Nature's vengeance is in the next weeks.

    How much do you think a kayak for 4 costs? = )

  4. Hello,

    Yes, the weather is not very nice today in Rochester, MN.  No, tornados or earthquakes, but it's rainy and chilly.  

    I'm covered in mosquito bites from my family's little trip up to our cabin.  It was the worst case of mosquitos I've seen up there for many years.  I'm glad to be back now to my wonderful classical Minnesota Public Radio.

    Things are pretty laid back for me.  I'm at last out of school, so I have nothing to do now...except ride my bike around town, go to the library, art center...If only the weather was nicer I could.

    But, I am thankful that there's no tornados around now!

    Have a nice week.


  5. Good Morning. Sweet home ALABAMA here. I got up early also and need some more sleep.But a little to hot for coffee so I had orange juice instead. Beautiful sunny day here but hot already. Gonna stay inside and try and stay cool. Enjoy the rest of your day and try and get in some more sleep, think I will do the same.

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