i recently took up cycling and INSTANTLY knew this is the sport/exercise 4 me.ive been smoking a pack a cigs a day for 20 years and am quickly weening myself off them its kind of like my body/mind just not wanting the nicotine anymore has this happened 2 any1 else out there?is there any kind of studies that any1 is aware of if not, there should be cuz ive tried many times without success.mind you.I'm not 100 percent smoke free but i tell you what its 1 h**l of a start.i even feel my asthma improving ,i know i know ishouldn'tt be evenbethinkingn oflight-inn up w/asthma but i know i'm not the only 1 out there .okay 1 more ? if i may, what kind of muscular improvements should i expect 2 see if i'm riding 5 miles a day 5x's a week iknow theres the obvious legs,thighs but what are some of the others ?