
"He's shown a certificate of birth from Hawaii. That is not a birth certificate."?

by Guest65873  |  earlier

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Some woman called in and made this statement on C SPAN in regard to Obama. Obama has shown his certificate of birth from Hawaii, issued after Hawaiian statehood. Can someone explain to me why this does not qualify as an American Birth certificate. Or is this woman just crazy?

The certificate:




  1. Uh......"just crazy" WOULD be the correct answer.

    Has McCain ever even had to SHOW his birth certificate.

  2. wack job

  3. I'm not following that line of "reasoning" very closely, since I think it's a waste of time, but I think I read at one point that there are two different documents issued in Hawaii, and the one released is the shorter (but still legal) one.

    Maybe someone from Hawaii can comment on this?  I really don't think it's worth the effort to look up, as far as I'm concerned it's a non-issue.

  4. Interesting how many nitwits are fishing to find some flaw in any candidate.

    Let us get concerned about the real issues, not some dumb invention.


  5. Hillary's friend was going to court over that matter I think. Its false pretense.

  6. Its part of a rumor I invented a few months back when I was drunk.  I made a bunch of posts on a bunch of different websites claimed Obama is an illegal alien and thus can't be elected president.  Some gulible people believe it to this day.  Now some people even go so far as to say all of Obama's papers are forgeries.  Its hilarious.

  7. Its a forgery and a lawsuit was filed friday.  Read the article in the link.

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