
"How can I best pack my mom's 48 peice china set for safe shipping cross country?"?

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I'll probably ship USPS but of course don't want anything to break!




  1. Bubble wrap, lots and lots of it. ^_^

  2. bubblewrap and those air-filled little bags you can get at shipping stores.

    Also, I'd consider getting shipping insurance if it's valuable china.

  3. alot of bubble wrap i guess.. and foam all around each piece sounds good also

    ily bubble wrap! <3

  4. Buy some of the "disposable" styrofoam plates and put one between each china plate and stack them this way.  Then wrap the whole stack of plates in bubble wrap and secure with packing tape.  Do the same with the bowls.  You can wrap the styrofoam plates around everything else, individually, and secure with packing tape, then wrap each piece in bubble wrap and secure with tape.  Buy a sturdy box, large enough to hold everything, or split it up into two boxes.  Make sure the boxes are large enough so you can put a layer of styrofoam or biodegradable peanuts in the bottom, stack the china in the box, leaving enough space for peanuts on the sides and top before sealing the box.  It will be bulky, but worth all the effort.  I would suggest DHL instead of UPS.

  5. wrap with plenty of newspaper and bubble wrap, and pack tightly in a wooden box

  6. whatever you do dont ship it UPS!!! theyve destroyed everything ive ever sent bu them: antiques, bikes, CHINA...

  7. I work for a wine company in Australia and I ship wines worth hundreds of $$$'s around the world - Foam is the only real guarantee of items not breaking if packed properly - make sure no items packed in the same foam are touching, each item fully surrounded in foam and packed firm in a box with no gaps to allow movement.....

  8. I would put about 3 inches of packaging popcorn in the bottom of the box. I would individually wrap each piece of china in bubble wrap and put newspaper in between the sides of the box as well as between the wrapped dishes. China as you know is super fragile. I've packed and shipped my mums china from california to florida and back. Never broke a piece of china. YAY!

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