
"How can i grow more!?" I'm 15 and i'm 5'5....?

by Guest58053  |  earlier

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Can you all help me please....?




  1. Hey Alan.....chill Dude!

    Yur 5' 5" at age 15! We grow until around age 22 to 25 so you will grow more for sure!  Be patient and don't sweat it man!

    Wishing the best for you Man!

    Me!  :- )

  2. you still have some time to grow it m8 just wait and it should start to grow and start masterbatin that helps..

  3. Well you could eat healthier, cut back on your caffeine intake. do alot more stretching, and do a thing called a role down, you slowly bend over and stay bent over basically touching your toes and then slowly come back up, do that a few times during the day for a little and it helps to stretch your vertabraes and will let you grow.

    hope this helps


  4. Got Milk?

  5. Do This:

  6. Truth is

    i'm 15 and i'm also 5'5 exactly

    i love my height i see no reason why not to love it

    but there's is no way to speed up growing

    it just takes time,

    its also good to eat right and to stay away from coffee

  7. hun.

    you answered your own question.

    your 15.

    you will grow. just wait your time will come.

    puberty and all of that good stuff isnt over get

    i bet youll be 5"11 when your 18  

  8. thier is really no way other than taking vitamins and eating healthy. keeping active is also important.

  9. Sorry to burst your bubble kid, but you can't make yourself taller. If you are 15 and already gone through puberty, 5'5 is probably what you were meant to be and will stay that way. You will grow a little bit between now and 20, when puberty 'officially ends', but chances are 5'5 is just how tall you're gonna be.

  10. If you're 15 and a guy, you'll grow more. Just wait. Or, you could get two of your friends to grab hold and pull on your legs. =] I'd stick with time, though.

  11. m********e. it stimulates the brain area responsible in making your bones longer.

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