
"I'll predict right now, Tampa Bay will win the division, That's how much we like our team." -Len Barrie

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So what's your take? Is this a bold move, or is this a desperate attempt to draw even more attention the organization? Bang on, or completely arrogant?

And I know we ALL hate the prediction questions, but do the Lightning have the line-up to win the Southeast division?




  1. The Lightning have a line-up to get people in the seats but not to win a division, even the Southeast division.  You can't win without defense and it doesn't look like they have any.

    This is just a bunch of hot air.  I wouldn't say arrogance but I'd definitely say ignorance.

  2. The Lightning are going to win the CUP!!!!!  How do you like that for predictions.  In your face, the other 29 boring teams in the NHL!

    ***I am just about the worst smack talker ever.

  3. The Bolts have a really nice team on paper. But the goaltending is still the weak link. If they can get great a season out of Smith and Kolzig That would put them in the top spot. But any real injury bug happens and I can see the house of cards folding. The Caps are always tough. I have no idea how my Cats will do. So it is very possible

  4.'ve been jinxed by Barrie. lmao.

    I don't know about winning the division. Caps are a great team and I think it's going to be hard for the Lightning to beat them next year. I do expect the Lightning to make the playoffs though.

  5. What a joke!  Len Barrie is an IDIOT!!!!  He thinks he can just buy a Stanley Cup!  It doesn't work like that, no sir...

    I'm sure all his players are thrilled he predicted to win the division...I think Len Barrie forgot a little something called chemistry that winning teams must have...

    Moron!  I can't wait to see TB crash and burn...I just hope they don't ruin Stamkos...

  6. theyve got a shot. hes prolly tryin to light a fire under his teams butt. with all the new players, maybe this will help with the chemistry. give them all the same motivation.

  7. Hey the Flyers were dead last and you know what happened there.Southwest is very weak so it is up for grabs.

  8. For a guy who was a journeyman throughout his playing career, it's pretty bold trash talk.

    Granted, they have re-made their team.  Whether it works or not remains to be seen.  

    They have a big obstacle called the Caps standing in their way.  I think Ovechkin and Company will get better, barring a meltdown in goal.  So, I doubt Tampa will go from worst to first.

  9. I call it a pretty bold move. I think they have a good team and how down the Southeast has seemed they have good reason to think they will win. I think they have to contend with Washington as well. Then you always have the injuries that could make things go all over. Anyway without seeing their lines it is harder to be sure if they will win.

  10. I think they could but it really doesn't matter.  They are by far the weakest division in hockey.  They have a long way to go before they're a real Cup contender.  Goaltending and defense still remain a problem and they've displayed complete ignorance and apathy in the face of those facts for a long time.  Barry Melrose isn't exactly going to help the cause.  Offense should be good, but like the majority of the East, that's about all they have going for them.

  11. The Lightning will be the come back team to win it all!

  12. I don't think it is too arrogant because the southeast division in hockey is the weakest it is like the nfc west in football.  I think tampa bay could win the division but will be out after the first round.

  13. Well, it doesn't take much to win the Southeast, so there is a chance Tampa will win it. I think Washington will though

  14. No doubt he is trying to generate excitement and sell tickets in Tampa Bay.  And winning the division in the Southeast really isn't that hard to do.  Their biggest threat to the division is the Capitals.  

    On paper, yes, the Bolts do have the lineup to contend for the division.  But does a great lineup on paper equal a great product on the ice?  No.  It will be interesting to see if all these parts fit well together...if they do, the Bolts could not only challenge for the division, but the conference.  If they don't fit well together, though, then they are just a bunch of spare parts who will be sold next offseason (or at the deadline).  We have seen in the NHL time and time again, adding a bunch of names does not equal chemistry.

    Just like the Caps, the Bolts also have a big question mark in goal.  If Smith can't handle the workload of the season, who knows if Kolzig will be able to handle it as well.  He had a horrible past few seasons, regardless of the defence in front of him.  That is the area the Bolts need to watch closely.  That will determine their season.  Much like Theodore will determine the Caps success.

    It will be a close race...if the Bolts don't mesh right away they will have to play catch up to a Caps team who has pretty much the same offence as last season (plus Nylander coming back).  The Caps won't need to find their offensive game or find sparks.  I'm a Caps fan, I think they will edge the Bolts due to this, but I think it will be a tight race and wouldn't be surprised if the Bolts came out on top.

  15. My take is Right On If Tampa has such Awesome Teams why stop here, I say The Lighning will Win the Southeast Division Next Year, because they are putting the Missing Pieces of the Puzzles, Figuring the Rivals in Atlanta, Carolina, and Washington have No Idea Whats will happen.

  16. Hi

    Yes I think they have a shot of winning the SE, but look around. Isn't this the one leged man vs blind guy vs 500lbs guy....  In the 10 yard dash.

    Thank You

  17. Heh .....with that NEW line up they need to talk a little smack!!!

    I still think the Caps will be there downfall but they might get out of that basement this season.

  18. I think its bold... But its possible with the line-up they have.. I don't know if they will win the southeast division, and personally i hope they don't because i'm a canes fan, but i do like tampa so i hope they make the playoffs. I think the southeast division is improving and i'm looking forward to next season.

  19. hey u can predict whatever you want! and people have freedom of speech and I don't blame him for predicting that but I don't see them winning the division! they are in a rebuilding stage! even though the division is weak I give them a very low chance to win the division

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