
"I'm not unfaithful, but I'll stray when I get a little scared" what's that supposed to mean?

by Guest58627  |  earlier

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that the girl is afraid of getting into a committed relationship, because she's risks rejection, or intimacy, or other??




  1. I don't know vic but it is a very scary statement. if this is your girl...think twice man

  2. i think it means she will cheat when she is afraid of the connection she has with her partner

    like when your so in love and then you worry they will find someone else so you get scared and go crazy

    that's when she would cheat

    the girl's partner needs to remind her once in a while how much they love her and wants to be with her and how much she means to them

    "i love you" doesn't always cut it. it doesn't explain things well enough

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