
"I have a seven year old girl, how do i get her to STOP weting herself? its not bedwetting cause that rarely e

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"I have a seven year old girl, how do i get her to STOP weting herself? its not bedwetting cause that rarely e




  1. my son has had the same problem and we finally took him to a urologist and they told us that his bladder is underdeveloped(he was born premature) and they have started him on a very lose dose medicine.  It has helped sometimes but not all the time he still has some accidents so we are taking him back in June to see the urologist again.

    One thing we are doing also is he cannot have anything to drink 1 hour before he goes to bed, then when it is bedtime he has to go in go to the bathroom and brush his teeth and if hubby or I wake up in the night we get him up to go to the bathroom

  2. Maybe there is a problem with her bladder...take her to the Dr and see if its something medical.

  3. Duct Tape

  4. You can't make her stop wetting herself, but you can help make it easier.

    First of all make it a routine that an hour before she goes to bed not to have anything to drink. It sounds rude, but what she drinks before then will process through her kidneys and she'll be more likely to go pee before bed.

    Secondly, you need to talk to the little girl and ask her if she knows that she's about to go during the middle of the night, some kids know they are about to go, but are scared to go by themselves because the house is quiet and dark. Maybe there's something there.

    Third, I would have it so she potties right before bed, and then when you start to go to bed, gently wake her to go potty too.

    If the above isn't helping, you should ask your peditrician there is a chance that her bladder isn't fully functioning, and there could be something serious going on.

  5. Warn her if she wets herself again you will spank her and if she does do just that.  Spank her every time she wets herself and she will learn not to and will stop. You have to be consistent though, otherwise she will not associate the spanking with the peeing, or will think that it is a one time thing.  Warn her first though and that might work, but most likely you will have to spank her on at least 2 occasions before she will understand that you mean business and stop.  By spanking I don't mean beating, just 7-8 swats at most with your hand.

  6. It's a big problem- but don't worry!

    First things first, your daughter should start (or should already be) going to bed at an early time- perhaps 7:00- get her into a bed time routine: cleaning teeth, PJs on, etc. Include in this a toilet session. Take her to bed.

    This may seem ridiculous at first, but then at 8:00 wake her up, gently. Take her to the the toilet- make sure she tries. Take her back to bed.

    Finally, wake her up again, gently, at 9:00. Take her to the toilet once more. It may seem stupid, up and down to the toilet, but this should prevent needing the toilet later on (and prevent any bed wetting).

    Hope this helps!

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