
"I will not vote for ANY politician who supports abortion"?

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This pleasant little saying can be found on bumper stickers. To those who agree with its message, they believe abortion is murder (even spontaneous miscarriages? Ooh... god is the biggest murderer of all! Or were all those women to have spontaneous miscarriages so full of sin they deserved it to have their faith tested?) and that they have a clear conscience for believing this.

I found this in response to that bumper sticker:

"Is that one of the most closed minded thing you could believe?

Because someone values a grown woman's right to decide what happens to her own body over the life of an unborn, unformed 'human', they don't care what else that person has to say.


Presidential candidates:

A - Pro-life, pro-rape, and pro-Jihad

B - Pro-choice, anti-rape, and peace activist."

Really... would you pick person A? Discuss.




  1. People can vote for whomever they want and for whatever reason. These reasons may seem foolish or invalid to some, but to them they have meaning.  

  2. Pro-rape....and pro-jihad???? what??

    I am against abortion. From people I have spoken to, the main reason women get abortions is because they do not want the child or do not think they can support the child. If that is the reason, then there is this little thing called adoption that we have and that these women need to use. Life is life, end of story.

  3. <<"I will not vote for ANY politician who supports abortion"?>>

    I couldn't agree more!

    <<This pleasant little saying can be found on bumper stickers.>>

    There's another popular one that says, "Abortion stops a beating heart". And then there's my favorite, "I'm pro-choice - I'm for Adoption".

    <<To those who agree with its message, they believe abortion is murder (even spontaneous miscarriages?>>

    No, no, no. Miscarriages do not constitute murder. An abortion is murder because the purpose of the abortion is to destroy the life of the unborn human being. Miscarriages occur "naturally". That is, there is no malicious intent on the part of the parents if a mscarriage occurs.

    <<Ooh... god is the biggest murderer of all!>>

    No. Technically, murder is defined as one human being killing another. God is our Divine Creator, but this does not make Him Human. He is Divine. Just as the Deity can giveth life, the Deity can taketh away.

    <<Or were all those women to have spontaneous miscarriages so full of sin they deserved it to have their faith tested?) and that they have a clear conscience for believing this.>>

    I have no idea what this means. . . probably because it's a "cry me a river" rant as opposed to a logical disagreement.

    <<I found this in response to that bumper sticker: "Is that one of the most closed minded thing you could believe? Because someone values a grown woman's right to decide what happens to her own body over the life of an unborn, unformed 'human', they don't care what else that person has to say.>>

    That's the problem. Your ilk thinks it's "all about you", when in fact it is not. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, it is no longer all about her because now there is someone else in the picture - her unborn child.


    I'm sure these are extreme "cry-me-a-river" scenarios too.

    <<Presidential candidates:

    <<A - Pro-life, pro-rape, and pro-Jihad>>

    We have a Presidential and a Vice-Presidential candidates who are pro-life, yes. They also believe rape is a horrible crime, so how can they be pro-rape? Also, since neither of them are Muslism, how can they be pro-jihad?

    I'm just looking at this logically, as you have chosen to look at this emotionally.

    <<B - Pro-choice, anti-rape, and peace activist.">>

    Our other Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates are indeed pro-abortion, yes. Yes, they are anti-rape, as they believe rape is a horrible crime.

    And if you think the Democrats are cut-n-run types, think again. Democrats took over both Houses in Congress, and what did they do? They stuck with the fight in Iraq - because even they know it is the right decision.

    General David Petrius (I know I've got that spelled wrong) is the General Grant of today (that's a Civil War reference to all you historically challenged). Obama/Biden HAVE TO listen to him if the General tells them to stay the course - which he will. So, if you're expecting a cut-n-run, you're going to be disappointed.

    <<Really... would you pick person A? Discuss.>>

    John McCain and Sarah Palin

  4. I've often wondered how many sanctimonious politicians who've had affairs have resorted to abortion to make certain their positions weren't compromised.  

  5. "I will not vote for ANY politician who supports abortion"?

    That is your option, we all have the option of voting for the candidate we believe will best represent us and do the best job...  Even when that means writing in a vote as the candidate of our choice is not listed on the ballot...   Isn't democracy great....

    "Is that one of the most closed minded thing you could believe?"

    Nope, unfortunately it's not, I have seen far more closed minded beliefs...

    "A - Pro-life, pro-rape, and pro-Jihad

    B - Pro-choice, anti-rape, and peace activist."

    Please site reliable sources for the descriptions of the candidates....  As I clearly see neither description reliably describes either of the major candidates currently running for the Office of President..  

    The descriptions and implied people they correspond with does constitute defamation of character on your part as there is no backing for the descriptions...

    If one must lie in order to forward the campaign of their candidate it leads to a question of whether said candidate is the best candidate for the job...  

    In this case the mud slinging by supporters of one candidate are steadily driving me toward voting for the other candidate... As a candidate who surrounds himself with mudslingers is not a candidate who will garner my support...    Keep slingling mud many people just like me are turned off to your candidate due to you unscrupulous behavior...

  6. Quit trying to justify the wanton destruction of millions of innocent lives, with your illogical associations.

    People are capable of sorting out priorities and making tough choices, but only SOME people seem to think that slaughtering innocent babies should be one of them.

    People are not animals. People are human beings, with an innate and unique dignity, given to them by God.

  7. to some, abortion is a major issue.  some see it as a horrible act and feel very strongly on the issue.  you may not agree, but in the end, it's only your opinion you are arguing, and as far as i am concerned, it has little merit to me.

    and everyone is close-minded in different ways, so what is your point, really?

  8. I wouldn't vote for either candidate.

  9. got a serious case of the runs............

    I need my boots.

    How is suicide illegal?  What could you do to punish an offender???

    If you could just answer my 2nd question please......

    Just one more way I can say your question is BS.

  10. person b.

    saying that an abortion is murder is like say s*x is murder, what about all those little people who didn't make it in time? well they die.

    only difference is that two cells reproduced and made a big bunch of cells which resembles a person  

  11. By that reasoning, consider that natural disasters take the lives of people all the time. Should murder then be legal since it appears God is taking lives? But I would say who are we to decide who lives and dies rather than God.

    Also, you wrote, "someone values a grown woman's right to decide what happens to her own body". But don't we have laws against committing suicide? If one cannot legally kill their own body, why allow them to kill an unborn baby inside their body?

    (Also, to insinuate that any current politician is pro-rape is very irresponsible...two wrongs do not make a right and that is why many are opposed to abortion even under such horrible circumstances - just like I imagine you wouldn't support murdering the 1 day old baby of a rape victim).

    EDIT: Even if there is no physical suffering is involved, suicide is still technically illegal.

  12. its the system we have now watch no more than 15 major issues will deside the upcoming election.

    all so I seem to remember some study that proved that nut jobs cancel each other out. ie people who want to nuke the middle east, and people who want to not have any military.

    quote "saying that an abortion is murder is like say s*x is murder, what about all those little people who didn't make it in time? well they die.

    only difference is that two cells reproduced and made a big bunch of cells which resembles a person "

    along that line not having s*x is murder, sperm live for only a couple of days.

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