
"I will respect both French law and Muslim law by taking off what I have on my head and not showing my hair."

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Although this happened a while ago, I think it is a wonderful show of defiance in the face of French law which quite obviously fails to take into consideration the freedom of religious expression.

If I wore the hijab and I was prohibited from wearing it, then this is certainly the route I would take. What are your personal views on the issue?




  1. well she looks very silly

    i support frances stance against fascism

  2. I agree with Beatalic Messiah

    if people go to live in another country, they should be prepared to live by that country's rules

    if they don't like it they can always leave!!

    to idreesa u r just jealous, natasha is a pretty girl!!

  3. I think there's more to not showing your hair...  it's about covering your form, neck and skin, too.

  4. Honetly? Shes a ROCKSTAR!!

    I admire her, that's a real statement!

    EDIT: Under the circumstances her point was not to imitate a man. Her reasoning was so that no one would see her beauty. The whole pointn of not shaving the head is about imitation, not about just plain shaving it. What she did was the good thing to do in the circumstance, they wanted to strip her freedom, so she gave them something to think about.

  5. There is no Muslim law in France,or any other Western country.The hijab isn't even compulsary head wear in th Muslim religion,I know loads of Muslim women that don't wear it.

  6. as a french muslim like me if you  live in a country who does not let you practise your religion just  move out

    i was living in france as well and now i live in uk wich accept the differences...

  7. Astagfirullah. Sorry sis but Muslim women r not allowed to shave of their heads, go look up in hadith books.

  8. Wow she must  be a Britney Spears fan. No really what she did was right because they are restricting her from her supposed freedom. Freedom of religion is a two way street thought remember that. We do not enforce anything on and you cannot enforce your religion into the countries' law.

    Natasha- You misunderstood me. I think she should be allowed to wear her headscarf. Why not does it do any harm?. When I said you should not enforce your religious belief on laws I meant like polygamy should be made lawful and that Sharia law should be introduced to a country in which the enrire population is not Muslim.

  9. I've seen loads of people (muslim people) going on about how it's a good thing she shaved her hair off to make a stand etc but something that seems to be completely over looked is that fact in Islam you are not supposed to CUT YOUR HAIR!!! By that i mean cut it in such a style that you look like a boy or a man. So you can have trimmed, styled a little etc but not  cut it all off so that you cannot even distinguish whether one is a woman or man or what?!

    The girl is an idiot in my opinion so you can't wear a scarf you cut all your hair off? h**l i'd never do that to my hair! She needs to grow up why are you people living in a western country then if you can't put up with western law???

    And no i do NOT agree with having shariah law introduced in western countries-grow up people would you be willing to introduce Western law in your own countries in areas where 'white' people are living-I DON'T THINK SO!

    There's a reason why laws such capital punshiment have been abolished (apart from some areas of US) and that reason being WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PLAY GOD and decide who lives and dies! and that seems to be quite a common thing you know kill a woman cos she's not wearing a hijab blah blah pathetic really! So there you go don't like western law then move to a country with Shariah law and stop going on about it being introduced over here!

  10. i posted a q about it earlier..if i were in this position,i would not shave my head ,i would try to weara hat or sth,and outside school i would wear my hijab...

    i won't disrespect her choice..but that's what i would do...

    there are a few shiekhs who allowed muslimahs to take it off,if it's against the country's laws and u can't move out and u'llbe harmed if u insists on wearing it.

  11. Sis Hanabee is right.

    Frankly I would take a more proactive route.

    Like leave the country.

  12. I don't understand why they're banning hijabs in the first place. How is it harmful for a girl to wear one? The argument that it's forcing Islam on the French is ridiculous - just because someone else is wearing one doesn't mean you have to!

    That girl's really brave though, standing up for what she believes in . :)

  13. I feel that schools should be free from all religious expression - it should be taught as a subject of interest, though without prejudice or favour.  Religion is something for someone to choose as an adult.  I do feel that it's a shame that women in Islam feel they have to cover up nowdays.  In the recent past it wasn't so much the case.  I understand the desire for a label as a badge of belonging, and respect other's beliefs in as far as modesty goes...but it is just hair at the end of the day and God (if there is one) would be pleased if we showed what he has created.

    Shaving her hair will make her stand out even more I would have thought and there is actually something quite sensual about a shapely head. However, as long as it it's simply a publicity stunt - it's a fair compromise.

    Edit: I meant NOT simply a publicity stunt

  14. She'll never make it as a skinhead  

  15. I do wear the hijab, but if I was prohibited from wearing it, I'd be outta there PRONTO.

    I wear the hijab because I love Allah (swt), it is a sign of modesty, and who would save me from the wrath of Allah's fire if I take it off?

    As the girl said, "I respect the law, but the law doesn't respect me."

    But I won't shave my head--I would keep my hijab and move to a place that does accept the hijab and has no problem with it.

  16. I wouldn't go as far as shaving my head, although I would try my up most best to try to wear it,  although some user's have said she should have moved etc, we do not know what situation she is in, she may not be able to go to another country injustice  happened and it seems she did not reflect about matters thus she adopted this stance.  

  17. same here.

  18. Why not just accept being treated the same as everyone else?  The law clearly does not deny anyone freedom of religious expression as you're free to wear whatever you like out of school.  Just follow the rules and there's no problem.  It's the same for everyone - no doubt many kids would like to wear football kit but that's not allowed in school either, so you wear it outside school, and there's no problem.

  19. I think schools should be totally free from religion of any kind.

  20. There is a fatwa by Sheikh Tantawi of Al-Azhar University regarding this matter, I will try to find it.

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