
"I wont let you down".. what kind of nonsense is that?

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Isn't this some desperate cry for "PLEASE VOTE FOR ME". Is it me or does McCain already know he has lost the election and is trying to use desperation tactics like this to draw people to him? Anybody can promise and fail. I can run on the platform that I will not let you down. George Bush did that. Does he think we are gullable fools?





  1. Beats hope and change.  Do you even know what Obama means by that?   Talk about moronic.  

  2. I'll promise you anything!  I'll even pretend to want a Democratic Platform....Blah,Blah, Blah!  He sure sounded like a Democrat to me, other than his stance on taxes and war!  Republicans who were there didn't seem so happy about some of the real changes he says he is going after!  When this false change thing fails I wonder what his next ploy will be?

  3. 1.  He's not Bush.  Got it yet?  Have you gotten over it yet?

    #2.  After all of the truth has been told about his associations with criminals, a terrorist, and a crazed preacher that hates whites and America for over 20 years, you would believe Obama and trust him to run the country?

    #3 Now Obama would let you down if he did get elected (he won't) and tell me what kind of nonsense is that?

    #4 No star for you.

  4. That bogus bs line was written by his lobbyists.  

  5. McBush is so 72 years ago.

  6. No it's not's called straight talk!

  7. His party has already let us down for FAR TOO LONG, it's time for them to just go away...  


    McCain and Bu** ( I dont like using that fools name) are pretty much the same pathetic losers so what does it matter?

  9. Sure beats Obama's "fundamental change" that is sure to let you down.

  10. Lost the election?????

    The CBS poll released today has McCain and Obama TIED - and CBS polls usually lean left!!!

    No wonder Team Obama is slamming Palin with every piece of c**p they can scoop out of their gutter.

    McCain can claim rightly that he "won't let us down" because he never has.

    He has a proven record of putting his country and his honor above all else.

    That is rare these days, and, believe me, it's a strong selling point.

    If you can look at his record and say "nonsense," then I feel sorry for you.

    No, you could NOT run on that platform because you don't get the point.

    McCain won't let you down even if you think it's "nonsense."

    Because he's that kind of man.

  11. No, Obama thinks we're all fools, slithering around reciting "CHANGE you can believe in!" over & over again.

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