
"I would have kept on trying to kill you could always Atutxa "

by  |  11 years ago

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ETA Koldo Joseba Martin Carmona said today as a witness in a trial that tried to kill the Basque Interior exconsejero Juan MarÃ_a Atutxa at least half a dozen times and not been arrested members command Vizcaya never have given up. Joseba Koldo Martin Carmona testified that failed to make exploding cars Volley against Atutxa that or not passed by the intended place or when he did was "civil " next to the car, but insisted: "It was an action that would could always do that. "

The High Court today held the trial of Gorka MartÃ_nez Ahedo, for whom Daniel Campos prosecutor has ordered a total of 46 years in prison for his involvement in the assassination attempts in 1994 and Atutxa Army Sergeant Joseph Carollo. Thus, the prosecutor has lowered down the sight of his initial request of 68 years in prison upon a finding at trial that France extradite the accused for attempted murder but not for crimes of belonging to an armed group, illegitimate use and replacement of vehicle license plates.

Counsel for the prosecution exercised by the Victims of Terrorism Association has acceded to the request modification of penalty made ​​by the prosecutor while the defendant's lawyer has claimed his acquittal in finding that has not been credited their participation in the events.

Gorka MartÃ_nez Ahedo acknowledged their membership in ETA but has denied involvement in these actions but said that " it was public knowledge that was Atutxa objective" of the terrorist group, and added that it was " all kinds of necessary activities " for organization.

Members of the command Vizcaya Koldo Joseba Martin and Lourdes Carmona Churruca - and convicted - terrorist actions have testified that Gorka MartÃ_nez Ahedo not involved in the attempts against Carollo Atutxa and Sgt.

According to the prosecutor, members of the command, including Gorka MartÃ_nez Ahedo tried throughout 1994 to kill Atutxa five times, four times in the first car bomb in Galdakao (Vizcaya) and the last with a briefcase full of explosives to operate it with the remote in his son's wedding at the Basilica of Begoña.

Joseba Koldo Martin Carmona testified that failed to make exploding cars Volley against Atutxa that or not passed by the intended place or when he did was "civil " next to the car, but insisted: "It was an action that would could always do that. " He added that he and not the defendant was the one who would be in charge of placing the suitcase bomb at the wedding of the son of Atutxa but ultimately did not because " there was too much oversight."

Lourdes regard Churruca said no finally carried out this action " because it would have blown a lot of people at the wedding."

At trial Carollo has appeared the sergeant, who recalled how he was shot three people while driving his car on November 18, 1994 in Larrabetzu (Vizcaya) and had to repel the assault with his service weapon, managing to get to your unit, where he gave part of what happened.

He added that he received a bullet wound in the arm that caused loss of sensation and affect the mobility of two fingers.

In fleeing terrorists were intercepted by ertzainas and after a shootout with them were arrested, although one of them, Angel Irazabalbeitia, died as a result of the shooting, as recorded in the proceedings.

The estimated tax has been established that the defendant's participation and reminded that their membership has assumed ETA and actions to be undertaken for the band.

In turn to pay his last statement the defendant commented that " using the game " of the charges he could be imputed " all actions, statements, and ruptures of ETA truce in the last twenty years."

 Tags: Atutxa, kept, kill, trying


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