
"If I hold my tongue, the very stones will speak." Do you know the source of this quote?

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I remember this quote but I can't recall whether it was Scripture or verse.




  1. Hi Scooter,

    This verse is from Scripture and is related to the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  Jesus is talking with the Pharisees when they tell Jesus to rebuke His disciples.

    Luke 19:39, 40  And some of the Pharisees called to Him (Jesus) from the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples."  40  But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."

  2. What a wonderful quote this is indeed Scooter.  Dear brother, I almost was blinded searching for after book. (hahaha!)  Finally I have found this beautiful verse which is in Luke 19:40.  

    Christ had gone to his homeland.  He was rejected by the Pharisees. Even the desciples were told to be silent by these men.  So Jesus mentions to the Pharisees that even the stones will testify if need be to his majesty.  God  we see won't be silenced ... if He wants His truth to be known even the stones og the earth wii praise him...and since Christ has dominion over all creation he could and would raise something up to praise His holy name!  

    Another good verse to reminder in the sharing of this quote is found in Mark 6: 4 here it says  "A prophet is not without honour except in his own country."  Jesus received such hostile rejection here from these Pharisees, and so can we!  But in saying to them that even the stones would cry out...he essentially is reminding them of the very power of God and it is also remineding them  the poer of Our Lord will not and does not return empty.  

    These Pharisees has so much pride and agorance, and Christ didn't seek praise or want the praises from this type of heart that was so full of pride.  Rather he sought after those who had humble hearts...which is so wonderfully shared when Christ sought out his really touched and blessed my heart when i read..."they dropped their nets instantly and followed him..."  Isn't that just the difference between the heart that is open and runs towards God, looking for grace?  Ready to submit all!  As opposed tohearts which are so full of self righteousness?  

    Thank you dear brother for this question as it has blessed upon me to stay humble and to keep my heart open to all of our Lord's truth and callings!  

    This question has built me  up in the Lord!  God bless!

  3. Luke 19:40 (New International Version)

    "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

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