
"If everyone told the truth, there would be no jobs left..."?

by Guest67159  |  earlier

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I think Gandhi once said this as an extension to his "Truth & Non-Violence" message... explaining you need to be honest but it's not possible/necessary/appropriate 100% of the time?!

So what are the exceptions to the statement...if any???




  1. I can see why telling the truth might get someone to lose their job. I can think of exceptions. Like if a genuinely nice person selling something like I don't know, cakes, if they told the truth about how they cooked it etc and there was nothing wrong with how they'd done it- it wouldn't matter and people would still buy the cakes..

  2. Its not possible ,we work on our self identity ,no one can be honest 100% of the time if we allowed ourslves to be honest with ourselves all the time then there definitley would be jobs ..but no one to fill the positions.

    Exceptions to the statement could be the final moments of life and the first second you regonise your mothers voice in utero.

  3. i am not really sure what truth and jobs have to do with each other

    i would think some jobs if you tell the truth you would nt have a job

  4. were in south africa  

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