
"If you build them, they will come." Who originally came up with that quote?

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I was wondering who came up with the quote, "If you build them, they will come." ? I think it was Trump or someone talking about real estate or something, but who was the first to say that quote when using it for dreams?




  1. the line in the movie was "If you build it, he will come." And it was said by a disembodied voice. So Costner builds a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield and everyone thinks he's crazy.  When the field is done, ghost baseball players come out and play  and the family interacts with them.  Thousands of people come from miles away  to see the games.  Eventually Costner's dad (who was dead) came out and played and there was an emotional moment and Costner finds closure.

  2. W.P. Kinsella wrote the book on which Field of Dreams is based.  Phil Alden Robinson wrote the screenplay.

  3. Field of Dreams-

  4. It was in the movie "Field of Dreams" with Kevin Costner

  5. Probebly the guy who made the first bar.

  6. It was in the movie "Field of Dreams" starring Kevin Costner.

    In the movie, he built a baseball field on his cornfield in order to bring back dead baseball players, including his father.

  7. If You Build It, They Will Come.- Teddy Roosevelt  

    Thats the original

  8. It's a line from the movie "Field of Dreams:" If you build it, they will come.

    Donald Trump, as far as I know, has never said anything original.

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