
"If you could be eitehr water or fire which would you be and why?"?

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"If you could be eitehr water or fire which would you be and why?"?




  1. I would like to be water because water is life and gives life. Fire is part of life and sometimes it can destroy life.  

  2. water

    i just think of how daggum hot it is right now and basically year round that i can't stand the thought of anything hot.

    i would be water

  3. The heart of a Phoenix is flame.

    I am fire because everything is fire.

  4. Water for being cool.

    Fire for being bold and demanding, commanding.

  5. I would be water so i could actually move around the world and not make anyone get rid of me (unless they would want to drink me). But if your talking about the avatar, i would water bend because it has 2 pre elements like blood bending and ice bending.

  6. Water. Water can be a solid, liquid or gas. It can be frigid cold to the touch or scolding hot. The Earth we live upon and our bodies are composed mainly of water. It is vitally important. Water has transparency, but even with the transparency you can add mixtures to it to change its visual look. It can be formed under the right conditions and, yet, evaporate before your eyes under the right conditions. It takes many forms, crucial for life and has expansive boundaries.

  7. "Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

    Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

    -Bruce Lee

  8. I would like to be a fire because in my reign No one would be fired out from his work without drinking a glass of water.

  9. fire.the q of water/fire doesnot arise.evrything in this world came out of fire and will emerge in to fire.the world ,the entire cosmos is out of five elements-earth,water,fire,air and lastly ether(akaash)(naadam)..but the ether and air are also in is not extinguished by water.a big fire evoporates water..vedas say the world was first created in 'krittika' star by igniting fire-"agni: napaatuhu: krittika " in the first sign of zodiac aries

  10. Water. Fires burn out, but water is always there, although the form may change.

    Besides, I am mostly water anyway.  

  11. Fire.  Powerful, demanding and bright.

    Fire could burn out eventually, but water can also evaporate as well.  The intensity of fire is more alluring.

  12. Water.

    I've always been drawn to my whole life, I've always thought I should live in the ocean instead of on land.

    Water is so mysterious, in a way.  

    Fire is straight to the point--it burns.

  13. Well, I am a water sign (pieces) but if I weren't I would still want to be water. it's stronger than fire (since it can put fire out) its even strong enough to carve out stone!

  14. water

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