
"If you would be unloved and forgotten, be reasonable" what are some explanations of this quote??

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This quote is by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. from God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.

I have an idea of what it might mean, but what do you guys think it implies? PLeASe Help.

a decent, full, deep explanation would be greatly appreciated and will be awarded the best answer.





  1. i take it to mean if someone doesn't love you anymore and they forget about you, then you need to be resonable - plain and simple...ex. don't call, text or email them don't get yourself crazy or sick over....try to move on with your life??  sounds like that's what it means to me

  2. If you break up with your bf or husband, dont moarn for days and and sit in side wasting your life away, you should be more practical and resonable. No matter how many people hate you... you should live you life off of other opinons. Dont try to hard to stand reasonable.

  3. This is not about being "unloved" romantically.

    Look at history, short and long term:

    After 9/11, being reasonable about the mad rush to attack Saddam and Iraq (secular sunnis), after Saudis trained in Afghanistan (Islamist shiites) perpetrated the attacks, made many people unloved.  Reasonable people were called traitors, and worse.  If you wanted to be loved in those days, you ordered "freedom fries" and "liberty kissed" your sweetheart in the back seat.  

    Distant history and beyond:

    Was Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Jesus and Moses(historical or not), and many others who are remembered (not forgotten) reasonable?

    Those who dare, who push the limits, who take irrational risks - they are the ones who will be remembered.  Heroes are seldom reasonable. The 'reasonable' by comparison are dull nay-sayers - those who say 'it's impossible' while getting in the way of those are trying to do it.

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