
"Is America ready for a black president?"?

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why or why not?




  1. Why on earth wouldn't we be?  Does the color of a person's skin make a difference on the way he/she would lead?

  2. Absolutely, black, red, orange, female or male.  America is a land of equality - or at least should be.  However, Obama is not a good choice for this country, and people would see that if they could look past his color.

  3. Not only America, but the entire world is ready and hoping for it. Not because of his color but because he is one of the greatest minds to come out of the American political system.

  4. Yeah, when this country turns Mexican!!!

  5. I don't think it is a matter of skin color. Obama is just not right for the position. Nothing to do with his race. Martin Luther King would have been a great President for example. Not Obama!

  6. Yes, when is Colin Powell gonna run?

  7. yes.. we are not ready for a socialist that has patterned his policies after those of Germany's nationalist socialist party of the 1930's (n***s)

  8. Yes, but not Obama.  

  9. Have u been looking at the answer to these question on yahoo! One person called Obama the N word and other are calling him a Muslim and very terrorist that attacked us on 9/11, and even Hitler! it made me so sick that i had to get of yahoo answer for awhile! To rest of you who hate blacks and muslims your the reason why this country is not as far as it should be! you should be ashamed!  

  10. America has always been ready for a black president. Are the people ready for a black president? I would say most people are ready. There are still pockets of people who will not vote for Obama because he is black and doesnt fit their mold of what a president should look like. If people can get over color, this country would be so much better. Concentrate more on character,morals,values and ideals of a person. I feel its strange that someone would have to ask a question like yours in the year 2008. Nothing against you personally, but its ashame that people still focus on color as a qualification.

  11. It shouldnt have been a question in the first place.  We are all people who obviously love this country.  Thats the only thing that matters.  Or at least should matter..

  12. "We just don't want this rollover-to-terrorists socialist"

    Think about Americas foreign policy and then ask yourself why are the terrorists attacking. The terrorists are attacking you because you are either attacking/want to attack/ or are involving yourself in their nations.

  13. Only Ms. Rice.

    Obama, never. Why? He's a racist with no experience who dodges his responsibilities.

  14. I assume we are. It should be a non-issue.

  15. Sure, as long as it is not Obama.  


    try this america is not ready for another stupid president  who is a racy flipper  

  17. "Yes but not someone with no experience"

    Yes, we are ready. Y!A Cons.. tell McCain thanks for handing over the candidacy to Obama. Tell Palin I have a nice car and know some fine dining around here in California..

  18. Yes we are progressive.  We just don't want this rollover-to-terrorists socialist!

  19. We are past ready....If Alan Keyes could get some support from his own, or if Colin Powell or Condi Rice or any number of qualified Black Republicans weren't so concerned about how the Dems would trash them, we would have already had one.

  20. Yes but not Obama. Obama is a left wing liberal socialist. We can't afford his socialist taxes on everyone to give the money to bums that don't work or are here illegally.


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  21. Yes but not a Marxist one.

  22. From what I've seen and read, most Americans are.

  23. I would be comfortable voting for a black president, just not Obama.

  24. Yes, but that doesn't mean Obama is the one.

  25. Well ready or not, it's happening, because I can't see McCain winning... especially not after his VP pick! People are scared of Obama??? They should be a lot more afraid of this woman becoming President -- she's not ready to be the leader of the free world and she just might have to be, because McCain is not in the best of health.  

  26. you bet ye we are, did you see that crowd thursday night.

  27. We already had one.. Bill Clinton.

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