
"It isn't your place" is this one of the most........?

by Guest34070  |  earlier

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damaging ideas to be widely held these days?

In my opinion it IS societies place to look after EVERYONE who lives in that society. It is the responsibility of human beings to look after other living beings AND themselves.

If more people had that viewpoint do you think the world would be a better place? Do you teach your children to look after others?




  1. I agree with you for the most part. Can you imagine the world if no one ever helped anyone else because they were concerned that it "wasn't their place to say anything"?

    I believe that there are situations where it truly isn't someone's place to say something. For example, my cousin is having a baby. She will be nineteen when the baby is born. She's having the baby, and will be raising the baby. That's decided, and has been from the moment she found out that she is pregnant. I don't believe that it is anyone's "place" to judge her.

    My aunt has long thought that I am destined for h**l and is not afraid to make that clear (at least to my dad). Is this because I am a bad person, or because I am rude, disrespectful, hurtful, or anything like that? No, it's because I'm not Christian. I don't think it's her place to judge me for this (though I understand that all that she does is in love. She truly believes that I'm headed to h**l, and only wants to prevent that, so I guess it doesn't really bother me).

    On the other hand, it is better to say something if you truly believe that it is wrong than to keep quiet. And in general, I believe that it is EVERYONE'S place to look out for for others. It is everyone's responsibility to look out for one another and stand up for those who need it.

  2. Well I see your point - but I think it really depends on what topic we're talking about here. Yes, it's our place to say things to other people who are, for example, breaking the law, hurting others, etc. It IS our place to report child abuse, child molestation, etc. But it's not our place to be telling other people to live certain ways just because we hold particular opinions. IE it isn't our place to go around telling other people to breastfeed or not to formula feed, etc. In certain situations, people DO have choice and it's not our place to tell them what to do with their lives.

    Hope that makes sense?

  3. I believe in "it isn't your place".. I think there are far too many people pushing their opinions and ideas on others. I believe in reporting abuse, lending a helping hand when asked, and giving advice when asked. Other than that, it is not my business or my place to tell others how and what should be done when it comes to absolutely anything.

  4. I'm always trying to help people. I think if we all took a real interest in the people around us it would be a better world. On the other hand, I have found that the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" is usually true when trying to help people.

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