
"Knowledge is golden."?

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I want to hear about others' opinions/points/brief explaination when you hear, "KNOWLEDGE IS GOLDEN".

I'll vote for the most thoughtful answer as the best one! (:




  1. I agree with j153e

    However, I would personally say....."wisdom, that leads to true enlightenment, is Golden".

    Any time you see a photograph, painting etc. of saints or very holy people they usually have a halo of golden/white light surrounding their body, and in particular, surrounding their head.

  2. If knowledge is golden then I would have it bronzed

  3.    Knowledge is golden, but wisdom is priceless, and can neither be bought nor sold.

  4. Knowledge is power.  Silence is golden.

  5. Saint Paul was a highly educated Jew, with the equivalent of two Ph.D.s from the leading school of his day.  He knew much.

    However, an "aha" level of knowing, in which the knowing is not merely brightly yellow, the color of the sun, but golden, the reflective color of wisdom, wise dominion, is what makes "knowledge golden," more than "power."  Power moves directly in the light of day type of knowledge and mastery.  Knowledge as golden is reflective, the kind of knowing that the creature in the parable of the Cave finds, by following the true Light into the light of day.  Thus for the unenlightened, e.g. Saint Paul regarding the Messiah, enlightenment and knowledge as golden comes with the Light on the Way.  For the enlightened Saint Paul, in the Light of the Son, knowledge was spiritual power, the power of the living Word.  By letting "this Mind abide," Paul moved from knowledge as golden to knowledge as direct Sonlight and Power.  This is rare, and most of us are grateful simply to move from the cave to the Light.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Light Is a Living Spirit," O. M. Aivanhov,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer, and

    "Watch Your Dreams" and "Kundalini West," Ann Ree Colton.

  6. silence is golden and knowledge is more than golden ,knowledge gives an ordinary person discretion because he knows how to avoid danger and even death

    knowledge is what makes you have the rest of the things you want in life and in dreams.

  7. yes it is!

    rite know ur learning...ur increasing ur knowledge just by asking us what this quote means or what our opinion on it is. every step of the life your learning soo...knowledge is always the first is knowledge :)

  8. It seems to me you don't agree with the statement?  Or at least you're mistrustful of it.

    Opposite of high school/middle school, the people who are valued the most later on in life are the smart ones.  I believe this statement is very similar to the peer pressure that one receives during school, trying to get everyone to be conformist morons who are in reality pseudo-geniuses, because they learn factual evidence, and never really bother to come up with their own unique ideas!

  9. Knowldege is of great value, silence is golden and ignorance is bliss...

    Knowledge gives us the power, expertise, skill and confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use it in a plethora of ways that can benefit us and those around us.

    Without this 'gold', we would be left without the other riches in life. Knowledge in a way, is a type of payment for all of the other great things we attain, achieve and receive in life.

  10. knowledge i find is worth more.

    true knowledge, not miseducation.

  11. Your quote, "KNOWLEDGE IS GOLDEN" is synonymous with, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" !!!  

    The more knowledge you have the more powerful you are to "arm" yourself against the tyranny of those who try to "pull one over on you" !  And I think THAT'S pretty GOLDEN. . . .don't you?!?

  12. Knowledge is Golden reflects how knowledge sets us free. It opens our eyes to the world around us.  

  13. There is no wealth like knowledge; no poverty like ignorance.

    ~ Ali ibn Abi-Talib

  14. "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star."


    Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)

  15. When too much gold then gold lose its value..Silence is Golden as I ve heard. For humans knowledge always will be incomplete. Science know it...whole foundation humanity build on based on incomplete knowledge and presumptions legislated as a true...

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