
"Londoner's", are the,,,,,,,,,?

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"Londoner's" are the "pick-pocket's", and "thieve's", REALLY alive and well, on the tube or other crowded places ?

I'm traveling to the UK in August, including a three day stay-over in London, and I've heard that the "thieve's" and "pick-pocket" artist's are "alive and well" in crowded places (like the "tube").

This IS NOT a "SLAM" AGAINST THE CITIZEN'S OF LONDON, OR THE UK (for God's sake, we have MORE than OUR SHARE of serious crimes, here in the US), but merely a question for information, and to know what to watch for, and to "be prepared" and prevent myself from becoming a "victim".

Normally, I can spot such behaviour, but it's always nice to know BEFOREHAND, what to watch for.




  1. These pick pocketers can be any where. I live in London and don;t really think about it anymore, but at first I would keep an eye on my things whilst on the tube and in other busy areas, now I do this as a habbit and don't have to think about it.

    it isnt that bad but you need to make sure your things are secure and once they you won't need to worry

    Hope this helps

    Sam (A Londoner)

  2. Yuo occasionally hear about people that run into trouble, but they normally haven't taken as much care with their belongings as they should have.

    Like any big city London has its fair share of petty crime, so if you keep an eye on your wallet, passport and handbag, you should be fine.

  3. Would be hard to exactly pin-point where the pickpockets are. Just be cautious and use a bit of common sense when travelling on the tube or buses, where it gets crowded - you will be fine   :)

  4. hehe!  I'd rather pick-pockets than muggers!  I hope you have a great trip, I'm jealous!!!

  5. Just don't keep your wallet or valuables in your pocket...which is a good rule wherever you go!

    Those 'money belts' which strap on under your top are ok - but I always take an ''across body bag'' with me wherever I go as they can't be snatched and they are right by your side at all times!

    Enjoy your stay :-)

  6. fraid its true but if you take sensible precautions you'll be fine

    just dont stick out like a real tourist and keep your bags zipped up and your purse secure

    other wise london is a great friendly place enjoy and have fun

    if you need more information about London or the UK check out the source below

  7. well pickpocketing is large in all cities everywhere but London has that particularly bad reputation and it has reason to.

    yes the tube is very bad for pickpocketing if our on a crowded train and squashed up against each other like sardines in a tin?

    most crowded places be careful and make sure ever thing is in your front pocket and your pockets are zipped up.

    be careful on all the busy streets in central London but particularly be careful on oxford street it is a pick pockets haven and is known as pickpocket central

    so take my advice and follow it carefully.

    remember everything in zippy pockets or in a tightly closed sports bag.

    and be extra careful on oxford street

    hope this helps :)

    p.s i hope this doesn't put you of coming to London because it is truly one of the most fantastic cities on the planet and has loads to offer but it has its problems like everywhere else.

    hope this helps :)

  8. London has crowds.

    The tube gets crowded at rush hour.

    Pick pockets, bag snatchers, thieves of all kinds like crowds.

    Therefore London has them all.

    Always be on your guard in crowds.


  9. Yes, but this is true of every city.  Just be careful, it's not as bad as Rome though (or Italy as a whole for that matter).  Separate your cards and money into different pockets, if you are 'done' then you won't have lost everything.

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