
"Maybe we should start posting our questions in the Regular Science & Math section." said Deenie

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Do you think this is a valid idea?

If scientific explanations are sought would questions about UFOs be better under Astronomy and Space, crop circles under Botany, and questions about seeing things that other people can't under Medicine and so forth?




  1. Hmmm.

    Really this whole "Alternative" section should be it's own separate category that is removed from "Science" entirely.  Maybe one day quantitative and reproducable data may exist for the paranormal--which all science demands for research to be possible--but right now, that's not the case.   Like TR said, if you think things are blunt now, just try and get REAL scientists to respond to this stuff.  It would be (and in fact has been at times) quite brutal.

    So, I think, "no".  Keep this quasi-logical make believe stuff away from real science.  The excjange of ideas is more likely to be friendly and supportive...if not a bit misleading...right here.

  2. People do ask about aliens and UFOs in the astronomy section.  I am sure they talk about ghosts and demons in the Religion section.  I wouldn't be surprised if people brought up certain aspects of parapsychology in the regular psychology section.  In reality, when ever you categorize something, the human made divisions don't generally stand up to what nature has to offer.  For the most part I enjoy the regular community that posts in this section.

  3. People post things all over Y/A.  I'm a Level 7 political poster, and I saw all sorts of things posted there.  People don't seem to pay much attention to the sections they post on.  I just get tired of the trolls.

  4. You are in the science and math section. People generally will give you a pass here, but if you start asking paranormal things in the hard science sections, you probably will not like the answers, and you will p**s people off because they're tired of answering them for the millionth time.

  5. May be on both places - science and the base for it- paranormal experience and practices

  6. Yes I could see some of the typical questions I see here, e.g., "If a ghost died in a place he liked and someone painted it a different color, but then had a seance to welcome the ghost, would he haunt it?", going over great in any of the other Science & Math subcategories. If the believers here think that the skeptics here are too blunt, they would not like the response they get in actual scientific categories.

  7. this is a good idea because you are posting your questions on sections that are special made for that subject but the paranormal activities is a big section that includes everything about paranormal things

  8. Personally, I post them in both. Like if it is a question about Atlantis, I may post it in Geology, Geography or History along with somewhere in Alt. Science. You usually get two different views / takes on a question.  

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