
"Medicine Holiday" ADHD ODD Child Any one have ideas?

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My daughter has very severe ADHD and ODD disorder. She was on Daytrana patch 30 mgs during the school year until she had developed a skin rash allergy to the patch and some other very odd looking rash spots appeared on her in several areas.

She had been on many different Rxs for her condition since the beginning to the year and I am so frustrated. She lost weight on all of the medicines, she wet herself on one of them, and this patch made her skin in very rough condition.

We have switched doctors and she wants her off all medicines until Fall. A "Medicine Holiday".

I support this because it is so nice to see her gaining weight and her skin is back to normal...However our household is in an tizzy with her old behaviors presenting.

Any suggestions on behavior management for ADHD ODD children, support groups?

I am a Pre-K teacher, I am using various methods I use with students but she older and is so distracted and hyper at home and in public its very difficult to deal




  1. I have very severe ADHD to. I am 14 and i have had it since i was in third grade.  I am on Adderal and my brother and sister are on Straterra.  They seem to work for us.  For her OCD you could try using some natural remedies.  My sister uses a calming/ relaxine from Health Hut (A health food store).  Best wishes.

  2. Just because she has ADHD doesn't mean she doesn't have to behave, it means that she gets different punishments. If you like time out, then every time she breaks a rule she has to sit in a chair looking at the wall.. Due to her ADHD I wouldn't make her sit still, she can kick and move, but she has to look at the wall, and cannot talk. If you like, sending her to her room for a few mins and let her release her anger. Once she has calmed down ( I would say once she has been quiet for 5-10 mins) she can rejoin everyone.  Also, a very active schedule is important. A lot of times kids act out because they need a way to release built up energy, and fighting is a great way to do that. I don't know where you live, so I don't know the weather. If it is normally sunny I would say at least 2 hours of recess everyday. Meaning that have to be out side playing actively (running, riding bikes, ect) They can only come in the house for bathroom and water. If it rains often I would get an exercise bike, something she can control. Make a rule that every once has to ride the bike for at least one hour a day. Let her go first, try to incourge her to ride until she is tired, then switch to the next person. I would put the bike in the TV room so everyone will be together, talking, watching TV or a movie. That way the person riding won't feel left out. Your whole family will get in good shape and she will release energy. I she is to young for that try putting her on a team. I personally love swim teams. It is a low impact exercise that is fun. Plus being a strong swimmer is always important. She will swim for an hour or two every day, meet friends, maybe even go to competition, which will help with self esteem. Which ever activity you decide to put her in, make sure it is something she wants to do. She will stick with it longer and have more fun if she wants to do it.

  3. I am a rising senior in high school and was put on medicine my 9th grade year (I wish I would've been before that) With my medicine I am able to make A's and B's in AP and IB classes...but if i forget to take it during school...I tend to be a little hyper.

    Although it does help my focus and do well in school avoiding frustration...I feel it makes me too focused for my summer fun and like your daugther it makes me loose weight. I also did the patch and had the same skin problems. I am now on Vyvanese...its the best I have tried, but it still discourages me from eating.

    What I have found to be the best during the summer is to take a smaller dosage. During school I take a 10mg pill in the afternoon (which can be split into 5mg) to help me focus on homework. I have found that if I take 5mg during the summer at each meal it's just enough to not make me too hyper but yet still have a desire to eat and a personality.

    So ask your doctor about maybe a small pill to take every few hours or in the morning. Also keep her on a busy schedule and something she enjoys and won't become frustrated with...something she in which can release energy. Remember to help her maintain a healthy diet too...that's also important.

  4. A strict schedule with lots of activities to work out energy. Also a strict list of rules and behaviors. Dealing with an ADHD and ODD child you must learn to pick your battles. It is hard for them to have control so there are going to be many things that you just have to look over (so to say). My son has ADHD and he doesn't always take his medicine on the weekends. These days are def. harder then during the week. We do it because he never feels hungry on his medication so I can get him to eat more on the weekends. I would look into research on ADHD and ODD and see whats new. Physicians are not always up-to-date on new treatments. Get your child involved in 'play therapy'. It helps to teach them ways to act out their anger or energy in a more productive manor.

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