
"My body, my choice."

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do you think that you should be able to do something if it does not harm anyone else?

why is prostitution illegal, who does it hurt except you?

why do we have to wear seat belts?

My question,

is this country free anymore????




  1. yes but effect cause comes in

    its illegal because its untaxed money

    its safe to wear seatbelts

    opinated on the free country thing

  2. All the examples you list are a problem to society because we have to pay for the consequences with tax payer money.  If you don't wear a seat belt, fly through the windshield and require an ambulance and hospital stay or worse, a life flight to the hospital and so on, it costs a lot to take care of you.  Because there is no way to know if your insurance will cover you at the time of trying to save your life, they have to have the services available and in use when you need them regardless of your ability to pay.  As for prostitution, there are a long list of problems relating to that: unregulated prostitution=unregulated diseases being spread, emotional and mental health problems on both sides (the person paying for as well as the person providing the services) unwanted pregnancies, dangerous litter strewn about where the prostitution is happening, and so on.  Just because you figure whatever you do only harms yourself, it is not necessarily true.  think of the first responders to fatal accidents ... some of them require tons of therapy and time off - society has to foot the bill for that.    To answer your question - yes, our country is free.  and to keep us from anarchy, we need some rules and regulations   :)

  3. Well, I think that people are just trying to take care of other people by pushing what they believe to be a "good idea" on others. Maybe they're right and maybe they're wrong, but, technically, it IS your body and you CAN do what you want to either protect or harm yourself. The law just thinks that they have to push laws on everyone to feel like they're doing what they need to. But, I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as the only person they're hurting is themselves.

  4. You could also ask the same question about people having s*x with their siblings, or people smoking herion in there own house.   It doesn't effect you so why should you care?  The problem is we all live in the same common society, so it does effect us.  Prostitution contributes to the spread of HIV and is often related to crime and poverty.  If your not wearing a seatbelt you can fly out of your car and hit someone or something else, and if people are more commonly killed or injured in car accidents it raises insurance rates and helth care cost.  We are all connected, and everything we do to some degree effects one another, so it is the concern of the common good when people are doing things harmful to themselves or society.

  5. Prostitution is illegal because most of the public wish it to be.

    Seat belts must be worn because the insurance lobby is a strong one.

    And congress listens to strong lobbies.  

  6. Are you serious??

  7. Why is prostitution illegal?You sound like one bright kiddo...=D

  8. I looked at this several times before answering, but legalizing prostitution provides greater benefit to society than our feeble attempts to enforce the laws against it.  Does it hurt anyone?  Perhaps, but legalization would protect women and children forced into the s*x industry to a greater degree that the current unregulated state.  It would also force workers in the s*x trade to have frequent medical exams as Nevada now requires. I would disagree that it disrupts the family life, which I know seems odd, but a person inclined to cheat on a spouse will do so without prostitution.  It is a huge leap of logic to assume a cheating spouse goes to a prostitute.  Seat belts laws are someone different in my view.  Since they have been proven to save lives, it is in the greater good of society to have these laws to decrease injuries; hence lower medical costs and, therefore, lower insurance rates for everyone (supposedly!).  Are we a free society?  No.  We are more free than Myanmar or China or many other nations, but we are not free.  We delude ourselves to a great extent with the notion of freedom of speech.  We can essentially say or publish anything.  Therefore, we think we are free when we are actually spied upon and regulated to a degree we cannot imagine and will never know.  I operate under the assumption that every word I type here will be read by someone in the government.  Paranoid?  No, just practical.

  9. prostitution hurts all the women whose husbands go out and cheat on them.

  10. I agree somewhat. I think that is prostitution was legal, they could regulate it and ensure that women weren't being abused or forced into it. They could make sure that those people involved were willing not abused.

    However, when it comes to safety, that's another issue. Who has to pay to save you when you're in a car accident and need lots of medical attention. The government or your insurance. IDK, I just think it's sad that you have to force people to wear seatbelts. Isn't that just common sense.

    As to whether or not this country is free anymore...IDK. Our country has a lot of problems. There are too many laws restricting what we can do. Some are good, but a lot of them are bad.

  11. To some people it's free, but what's the point in having a country with no rules? Everyone would be doing only what they want, and it would be chaos, and not even organized chaos  

  12. Prostitution is illegal, like a lot of other things in the US, because of the strong religious influence in this country.

    We have to wear seat belts because of the enormous cost to society in medical care, lost wages, police and ambulance time, etc, that results from people being injured unnecessarily. What would be a minor fender bender with your seatbelt on, can easily turn into a deadly accident with your seatbelt off.

  13. I don't think that's a very fair question. They only have those rules to keep you safe so I wouldn't go around saying stuff like that

  14. Well both of these put the person who's doing them at risk.

    And if they can't respect their lives, maybe they should respect the lives of their family who is they one that's going to have to deal with them if they are in a coma cause they were too cool to wear a seatbelt.

    And in Canada, with our free healthcare? Then taxpayers are paying to patch you up cause of your own stupidity.

    That's why it's illegal. Cause putting yourself at risk doesn't just effect you.

  15. These laws are designed to protect you and others.

    Prostitution is an ugly ring of not only consenting adults but abused women AND children who are forced into prostitution by controlling people (I.E. Pimps). Seat belts will help save your life. Why not wear one? I do not get that at all.

    I do not get what you are complaining about. You have a lot more freedoms and liberties than a lot of people in this world. When all you have to complain about is your freedom of choice, to wear a seatbelt or not, you have it pretty d**n easy!

  16. Not wearing a seat belt makes it possible for you to fly out of your car in a collision.  That increases you likelihood of hitting someone in-flight.
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