
"My daughter is 14 months and has little hair"

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~ I have a 14 month baby girl

~ She was born with puffy styled hair

~ Currently she has boyish hair (not a lot)

~ Is their a reason she has little hair should I worry




  1. there is absolutely nothing to worry about. most babies who are born with hair lose their hair very rapidly and start to grow them again. it happened to me anyway. if it truly worries you,  contact your pediatrician.

  2. My two oldest were nearly bald until they were 2. Now they have long curly hair. Your daughter is fine.

  3. do you or your partner by any chance have curly hair, my hubby has curly hair, so my daughter was bald for a year and then it grew so so slow, she is now 5 and has curly hair, it isnt even up to her shoulders yet!

  4. i was born basically bald, I didn't have enough hair where people could tell I was a girl until three years0old, and now my hair grows pass my but every summer I cut it off a donate it to cancer patients.

  5. it'll grow in time.  trust me.  My daughter was the same way and now she's 7 1/2 yrs old and her hair has thickened up quite nicely.

  6. All babies loose some hair it's not a big deal

    it's caused by their constant movement when they're laying down.

    it usually grows back within a month or so  

  7. No worries, not all but many kids have hair that just grows slowly or falls out and then fills in with new.  All is well.

  8. My daughter was practically bald at 14 months.  She now has long thick wavy hair (she is 9).  It started really growing at age 2.

  9. dont worry my little girl was the same way it will grow in time .

  10. i know of 3 little girls that never had hair until they got older, one girl was about 2-3 yrs. old.  Nothing to worry about. I was even a baldy for a very long time.  

  11. Born with puffy styled hair?  who styled it?  All babies lose a certain amount of hair after birth...  My son was born with just a bit of white fuzz on his head and it took two years for him to have anything that resembled a good head of hair.... be patient---some kids just progress like that...  soon you will be complaining about how fast it grows and how horrible it is to brush it out after you wash it....

  12. my baby sis had very little hair until the age of 2. by the age of three her hair was literally halfway down her back. i've heard quite a few people say the age of two is when hair starts to grow in fully.

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