
"Mystery" A poem for comments please?

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Mystery, Divine Divinity

As gentle as neap tides flow, does

morning sun rise, sink for glowing moon.

Breath taking beauty to behold

moments clarity exposed,

comforting soul within

daily reaching to transend

the dark, Casting shadows

gathered on our human journey

steps of joy and sorrow

lingering reminders to ponder,

Mystery, Divine Divinity

Oh, the pounding human heart

hungers to love and to be loved

in peaceful joy, without struggle

without search of wisdom's love,

wisdom whispers, love is victory in spite of us.

Mystery, Divine Divinity.


Inspired by, Neon and Hydro




  1. wow this is awesome wow check this out

  2. Very Good, I like it

  3. You done well girl!  This is good and thought provoking.

  4. good job :D

  5. sounds so sweet full of passion too

  6. Questions give birth to questions .. If we had the answers we would be uninspired. The law of mystery  propels  and steers my boat too.   Good job !

    I see a golden barge carrying a giant blue egg held lovingly by a veiled goddess..  beautifully evocative!

  7. Please, please...get thee to a publisher.  My God it is breathtaking.

    I have not read a poem as magnificently done as this, for many a long year.  Thank you so much for sharing this.

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